Chapter LXXVII: Time Is All We've Got.

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"You ignoring me isn't gonna help the situation." Violet sighed, sitting up on the couch. "It's helping me." Minerva furrowed her eyebrows even deeper, getting angrier by the second. "How is this helping you?" Violet's nose twitched as she tried to keep herself calm. "It's helping me not beat the fucking hell out of you." 

"What'd I even do?!" Her green eyes began to fill with tears, her cheeks red from holding in her emotions. "You know what you did, Violet." The redhead hissed, bringing her eyes up to meet Violet's. "Well, If I'm asking, I clearly, I fucking DON'T. So tell me!" 

The way Violet's innocent and raspy voice cracked made Minerva even more pissed. "You fell in love with her." She whispered, feeling her heart drop. Violet's eyebrows showed that she was confused. 

"Fell in love with who?" Violet asked in a softer tone, looking at her with red eyes and a confused face. "That bitch. The same one you told me not to worry about. Her. Mhm. You thought I wouldn't notice? You get all googly-eyed when she's around." Minerva got louder with every word, eventually letting them turn into yells. 

"Tell me... that you don't love her," Minnie whispered, looking back down at her feet, cracking her knuckles. 

"I... What's the point?" Violet rubbed her forehead in frustration. 

"Tell. Me." Minerva demanded, sending shivers down Violet's spine. 

"I... fucking hell."

"Exactly. You love her. OWN UP TO IT." Her blue eyes pierced into Violet's soul. 

"You know what? Fuck you. You drove me away, Minerva. You made me fall in love with her. How can you be mad because you don't give me the love that she gives me." Violet started, letting her feelings out and giving Minerva a piece of her mind. 

"You made me. She treats me... So fucking good. You treat me like shit. Do you get that? You don't love me. You only keep me around for sex. We both know this, but continue to ignore it. You don't love me. Why can't you own up to that? So guess what. I do love her. And she loves me too." Violet started taking deep breaths afterward to calm herself. But that would be too hard. She glared at Minerva, watching her shift from angry to sad, back and forth, not necessarily knowing how to feel. 

"So, how about you tell me that what I just said was true." Violet sat back on the couch, staring at the girl across from her. "It's... I... It's complicated."

"There's NOTHING complicated about anything. Either you love me or you DON'T. It's so fucking easy to answer. Do you love me, or not? It's not fucking rocket science." Vi looked her in her eyes again, awaiting an answer. 

"I... Don't..." Minerva hesitated, not able to look at Violet anymore. "I knew it. All this time we wasted. I could've been with Clementine by now. We... Shit, since fucking high school, man. Knowing you, you probably thought it was some fucking competition between you and her to see who could get me first when she genuinely wanted to love me." 

Violet stood up, and headed to her room, slamming the door behind her. She wasted no time, folding her clothes and putting them into a suitcase. Minerva slowly opened the door, poking her head through, watching her pack her stuff up. Folding it rather than just throwing it into her suitcase meant a lot. It meant that she was done for good. Just tired of the games. Overall just fed up.

Violet pulled her phone out of her pocket and started dialing a number. Listening intently, Minerva could determine that it was Louis on the line. 

"Yeah, Lou, I need you to come over and pick me up." 

Minerva felt her heart drop. It was indisputably over. 

"I'll be ready in five minutes." 

She lost her. 


"So, storytime on what happened or you don't wanna talk about it?" Louis looked at her as she was sitting in the passenger seat. He could tell she'd been crying by how red her eyes were. Her cheeks were pink from all that anger she was holding in.  

"Lou... I don't even know... Just... The whole relationship was Built on lies." Violet sighed, looking down at her phone, contemplating whether or not she wanted to call Clementine and tell her the news. 

"Call her, Vi." Louis patted her shoulder, pulling up in front of his house. Violet continued to stare at the contact info. Louis got out of the car to get Violet's bags and left her to think for herself. 

She locked her phone and got out of the car to grab the second suitcase. "No, I've got it. You go ahead, get comfy and call Clem. I know you want to. Just... take that chance- Now, I'm not saying hop right into a relationship, but turn on that charm and tell her how you feel." Louis continued to encourage her, closing the truck before heading to his front door. 

"Would you be a darling and open the door for me?" The brown-skinned boy flashed a smile at her, shaking his leg, indicating that the keys were there. Violet groaned, pulling the keys out of his pockets and sticking it into the doorknob, unsurprisingly knowing which key opened the door.

"A groan? what'd I do?" Lou chuckled, putting the suitcases by the couch. "What did you NOT do?" Violet sighed, plopping down onto the couch. 

"Well, I've done everything. But I can think I can come up with something that you still haven't done." 

"Oh yeah? What?" She ignored his childishness and reclined the chair. "Well, you haven't called Clem yet. I need you to. I need this ship to sail."

"Ship?" Vi looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "Yeah. Violentine. That's the ship name." Louis smiled, watching Vi's face turn into a red mess. "W- Louis!" She tried to seem upset but failed miserably. "Tsk tsk tsk. You love it and you love HER. And she loves you too." He teased, reclining his seat too quickly, almost falling out. 

"She- only as a friend though..." Vi became discouraged, feeling her heart drop for the 200th time today. "No, Vi. She has legitimate feelings for you. She told me. I turned on that charm and got her to admit it."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." 

"Eh, Nah. Lying would make it worse, considering you just got out of a relationship built on lies." Louis popped a piece of candy into his mouth and tossed one to Vi. "You're serious?" She seemed shocked for some reason. 

"For once, I'm not fucking with you." He smiled, watching her face get redder. "So, give her a call and tell her how you feel before it's too late."

"Don't rush her into anything. Time is all we've got." Brody poked her head out from the kitchen. 

Vi almost gave herself whiplash, turning around to the unexpected voice. "Do it when you're ready, hun. I mean, she already knows, but tell her face to face. Alright?" 

"I-W- How does-" Violet stuttered, trying to understand what just happened. "Careful now. Don't strain that tiny brain." Louis chuckled, earning a piece of candy being thrown at his forehead. 

"Shut the fuck up, Louis. And I'm gonna call her... tomorrow..."

"If you don't, no nuggets for the rest of the month." Brody threatened.


"No butts. I said what I said." 


"Teehee, no butts." 



part 2? or is this another flop?

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