Chapter XXXIII: Knight In Shining Armor.

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This is part 1, all of the events in the A/N will happen in future chapters. Keep that in mind while you read. This is just the beginning.

So pretty much the setting in this story is; it's the 1800's, Clem is the queen and she's supposed to be marrying Prince Louis III, But she falls in love with her knight in shining armor; Violet. Yes, women weren't allowed to be knights, but Violet has proven that she can withstand her ground through any battle and Lee; the King, has accepted her into his kingdom to protect Clementine. He wouldn't just pick anyone because of the history behind the illogical decision. His wife and former queen, Carley, was assassinated because of the irresponsible knights that were chosen to serve protection to the royal family. So, Lee picked someone who he knows won't let him down. He won't even let Clem go out on the balcony alone, so Violet basically lives there.


*Clementine's POV*

It has been 4 years since my mother was assassinated.

I was 18 when it happened.

The assassin didn't harm my father and I.

Just my mother.

But I remember them coming into my room at night and whispering in my ear.

"Your mother is a fraud, a spy, and she betrayed your kingdom. Do not follow in her footsteps. See this as an opportunity."

The voice was a woman's.

It was stern and sent chills down my spine.

I'll never forget those words, nor that night.

The next day, I woke up to a blood-curdling scream from my parent's room.

My mother was dead.

Throat slit gruesomely.

I had no words.

My father was depressed for months.

But for me; I just couldn't stop thinking about what was said to me.

She was a spy?

She betrayed us and the kingdom she ruled?

It didn't make any sense.

Until one day, I snuck out of the castle.

I had a motive.

A trail of clues were left behind and I gathered them.

It only took me 2 months to fully piece them together.

They led me to this place... a little house in the middle of the woods.

There were all sorts of information on my mother.

She made deals with other kingdoms that jeopardized our home... Sabotaged our names... Made us look unloyal.

Like we were incapable of withholding the thrones.

Yes, I love her, but for I am thoroughly disappointed.

Once I was ready to leave, this... girl caught my attention.

She was walking through the woods alone, but she was breathless.

I instantly jumped behind a tree in order to find cover, but she heard me.

So, I drew my knife with all the possibilities of what she would do if she knew I was the kings daughter in mind.

"I know you're there. I won't hurt you." She sounded as if she was honest.

I looked from behind the tree to see if she had any weapons drawn.

Gratefully, she didn't, so I moved from behind the tree and watched her eyes widen with surprise.

"Queen Clementine? My apologies madam." She got down on one knee.

"It is okay. I was just about to get going anyways." I held my arms behind my back and intertwined my fingers.

"Before you get going, I would like to ask you; why are you out here? And you're alone? Where are the knights?" She looked up from the ground beneath her.

Her eyes resemble the ocean.

They're astonishing.

"I was just out exploring is all." I lied through my teeth, cringing at the thought of dishonesty.

Especially with one of the people from the kingdom.

"Do you need an escort back to your palace madam?" She raised an eyebrow.

"No, but I would enjoy the company."

"Then, I shall be your partner in travel." She flickered a quick smile in my direction.

Did my heart just stop?

"Violet, nice to meet you." She stuck her hand out in front of me.

"Clementine. Nice to meet you as well." I politely took her hand and made an acquaintance.

"Which way is the palace?" She questioned me, brushing off her knees.

"West. I know these woods like the back of my hand." I sternly replied, showing her I needed no guidance.

"So do I. I was just quizzing you." She flashed her amazingly white smile my way again, and I couldn't help but do the same.

"How do you keep your teeth white?" I became openly curious.

Most people in the kingdom have yellow or rotten teeth, but she was different.

"Sugar cane. I eat it, sell it, and grow it. I make a living off of it." She informed me with confidence coating her voice.

"What is it like to live outside of the walls of the palace?" I turned to her after realizing how they actually have to work.

"It's pretty difficult for anyone that has a family, but got me, I'm a lone wolf. No one else except me. It's not like I wouldn't change that though." She became happy with the thought.

"At least you have the freedom to fall in love with whomever. I'm set to marry. It is unfair to my happiness." I lowered my head, causing a curl of hair to fall out of my ponytail.

"Well, I agree. You should love whomever you please." She supported my opinion.

She began to stare and I noticed.

When I caught her, she turned away quickly with a smile on her face.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, puzzled.

"Just beauty."

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