Chapter XXXII: Golden Star.

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*Violet's POV*

I haven't ever made it obvious, but I'm head over heels for Clementine.

Yeah, Sometime's she'll catch me staring at her but then I play it off like I'm looking for something.

But I only do little things sometimes.

like I find little reasons to talk to her and AJ.

Or how I'll take her lookout shift just so she can get some rest, arrange for us to go scavenging or on a supply run... or hunting... fishing... whatever.

She's like a best friend to me.

Yeah, I've only known her for like... 3 months since pulling her from that car wreck...

But she's... I dunno... different.

I write a lot about her...

I don't know if that's weird or not, but I do.

Sometimes I go to sleep thinking about the soft chuckle she gives when I play leprechaun tag with AJ.

Don't ask what it is, just know; it involves a lot of crawling, and I look like a Greyhound.

But if I'm being honest...

I don't even think Clem likes girls.

She probably likes Louis.

I create fake scenarios in my head about what life would be like with me and her together and always wind up hurting my own feelings when I know it's never gonna happen.

I just cry it out.

Let the tears follow their own path.

I'm too emotional for my own good.

Even now, I'm sitting in my dark room, with parts of the torn up paper dangling by a small piece of duct tape, just crawled up in the corner of my bed, bawling my eyes out because of the imagination I have.

I created a fantasy world for me to escape to when Clem is on my mind.

And she's there.

She's always there.

Always giving me a smile, her honey gold eyes, her curly hair blowing in the summer wind, the quiet around us, her laughter echoing throughout the empty, green, grass filled field, then before I snap out, she kissed me.

When I come back to reality, I always cry...

Prime example; Now.

I can hear Clem laughing at Louis right now.

I should be happy for him if she were to fall for him, but it would hurt.

It's not like I'm not used to it.

I always hurt myself, one way or another.

She's always happy with him.

I love to see her smile because of it but it hurts.

Just knowing I'm not the reason...

I just can't bring myself to believe that she would ever choose me.

It's pretty clear that Louis has a crush on her and he's way more open about it.

He's in love with her and nine times out of ten, she's in love with him too.

And while they're happy, all you can do is cry.

I keep coming back to this present moment.

As I cry now, I can feel the anger basically leaking from my soul.

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