Chapter LXXI: Possession. (Part I)

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Stress, anger, and frustration.

The three key emotions Clementine always felt.

Home? A place she hated. She could stand to be there any longer.

Graduation? Right around the corner. Then? Off to college. She'll never even take a look back at her old life as she starts her new one.

What made her want to forget her life? It's not only her life... But the pain and the hurt that she had to go through... Plus it was shit. 

Her foster parents never treated her like a person... more so a slave... like she had no choice but to work for them. They always threaten to kick her out if she doesn't do what they say. She wouldn't do shit only if she didn't wanna stay at Ericsons. Best baseball team she'd ever been on. Earned her a scholarship, a place at Ohio State, and it pays for all four years. Why would she lose that now?

Sports made her life complete... whether it be softball, hockey, football, lacrosse, soccer, or basketball... she loved it all. It was also her way to get her feelings out without getting herself in trouble.

When she was upset? Baseball. Being able to hit something with all your might that's not a face is amazing. When she was angry, soccer was her go-to sport. Being able to kick the ball as hard as she wanted to make her calm. Feel loose. When she was angry, hockey. She could be as rough as she wanted to. The only punishment was the penalty box.

Basketball was only for fun. Just like now. A game of 3-on-3 with the team captain for possession of the gym for the rest of the day. Pretty much, basketball versus soccer.

Clementine eyed the other players all the time. Admiring how dedicated they all were. One stood out to her.

The team captain for the basketball team.

They shared glances here and there but they never spoke. The only time she heard her voice was when she was doing a class presentation and Clementine found herself very intrigued. It was no different for the blonde either.

Violet picked up Louis and Marlon, Clementine got Minerva and Sophie. Pretty much equal teams.

"Alright, Sophie, guard Louis-" Clementine started, getting her head in the game.

"Why me?" Sophie furrowed her eyebrows wanting more of a challenge. "Because he's too easy for me and Minerva. Just kick his ass.  Minerva, you get Marlon. He likes to play dirty... and I'll get Violet. This is gonna be a challenge... I've waited for this for a while."

"Alright, go get em, tiger." Minerva patted Clem on the shoulder with a slight chuckle. "Oh, come on. You know how we usually do before a game." Clem sighed, reeling Minerva back into the small hut. "Fine. Whatever you say, Princess." Minerva mocked Clementine with a smirk. "On three. One, two, three... LIONS!" The girls yelled, catching the attention of violet, Louis, and Marlon who were simply limbering up and watching the girls.

"We got first ball." Violet gave Clementine a quick smile, showing some teeth, proceeded by continuing to chew her mouth guard. "Full court or half court?" Louis whispered, terrified that they were gonna say full court.

"Full court. We aren't pussies. Toughen up, buttercup." Minerva spoke loud enough to send an echo through the gym with her venomous tone. "I was just asking, eraser."

Both teams matched up. Clementine held the ball in her left hand, looking around to make sure everyone was prepared. "We're playing for possession of the gym for one day. Anything else you wanna add on?" Clementine smirked, confidence taking over her mindset. "Yeah." Violet started, still chewing on the mouth guard. "Gym for a week." 

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