Chapter LXXXVI: Love Me While I'm Still Here.

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"I don't need you up my ass all the time. I can handle myself." Violet muttered angrily, gripping her knife tighter. "Oh, I'm sorry, do I care too much? That's my bad, sorry I don't want you dead." Clementine gritted her teeth, controlling her anger with whatever technique that was supposed to be. 

Violet glared at Clementine, not with hate, but desperation. She didn't know how to deal with people caring about her. It obviously would hurt their relationship, break them apart eventually, but they'll find a way right back to each other of course. 

"Violet, can we not... Please, don't shut me out again. That walker almost took a chunk out of your neck. I could've lost you. We all could've lost you." Clementine whispered softly, leaning forward in her seat connected to the picnic table. "I know you don't need to be protected, but, sometimes, people make mistakes... and that was just one of many, but that's okay. It just happens." 

Violet sat there quietly, carving something into the table with her knife, trying to ignore everything Clementine was saying. 

"Violet, look at me," Clementine demanded, still holding her composure. 

Violet threw the knife down and looked up with fury. 

"I'm sorry, okay?" 

"What if it was my choice?" Violet asked with a shaky voice. "What if what was your choice?" 

"What if I wanted it to bite me, then what?" Violet furrowed her eyebrows, tears somewhat forming in the corner of her eyes. 

"You don't have a choice. That's not happening." Clementine's voice broke, her head falling at the thought of that heartbreaking image. 

"I don't wanna be here anymore, Clementine. Look at the life we're living. You really wanna stay like this?" 

"You don't get to make that choice. I already lost AJ. I- You know what, go ahead. Do what you want. I'm done letting people hurt me. I'm fucking sick of it. All I do is care for other people, and love unconditionally. In return, what do I get? An asshole of a girlfriend that doesn't give a shit about how bad her death would hurt everyone. I'm done with you, I'm done with this place. I'm leaving. Now. Then, do what you'd like because I won't know, nor would I give a shit enough to even care." 

And with that, Clementine got up and walked away. She didn't even look back as she left. 

Violet watched her in awe, realizing how much she hurt her. It had never gone this far before. She didn't think Clementine would leave for good. 


Clementine slammed the door, her chest burning with anger. Her eyes were red already. She was sick of the games Violet played. She knew she was going through a lot, but so did Clementine. Especially with being the leader of an unorganized group of messy, angry, hormonal, violent teens. 

As she packed her backs, she heard AJ's voice. 

"Are we safe here?"

"Is this our new home?" 

"Do you trust them?"

 Her little boy. Gone. 

She never stopped blaming herself. She won't ever stop blaming herself. Even though everyone told her the opposite. She was with him when it happened. She was there when that walker jumped up out of the water and snatched him underneath. She tried to save him, but just like Luke, AJ didn't make it.

Violentine one-shots (The Walking Dead)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora