I froze the water against his body as I tried to fight against his prowling mind. He was covered in ice, but only from the neck down. I made the ice even colder and forced it to start creeping up his face. He was getting closer, but I could feel his grip falter slightly from the cold. I pushed my arms forward to slam him back into the wall, but he only moved a few inches. He was fighting against it, but I could tell it shocked him when his grip loosened much more noticeably and didn't return with the same fierceness. He wasn't expecting me to be as strong as I was.

I might actually win this.

Curling my fingers and drawing up every ounce of anger and frustration I could muster, I dropped the temperature even lower. The room was beginning to frost over. There was no way he could keep it up now. It was cold to me, but not nearly as cold as it should have been. That meant it had to be bone-chilling to Jason or anybody else. Literally. Just as I was starting to feel a little confident, Jason reminded me why he was a nine.

I felt relief when he finally let go of my mind, but watched in despair as the ice against his body began to crack. I fought against it and could sense it beginning to refreeze, but I wasn't that strong yet. He was cracking it against my will, but it was taking more effort on his part this time. It didn't feel like a one against one hundred game of tug-of-war anymore. It was more like a fifty against one hundred. My strength had increased tremendously, which was both encouraging and discouraging. It meant that by the time I started the next stage I'd most likely equal Jason in regards to the physical aspects of my power, but on the down side it showed just how powerful he was. I gave up fighting him, but I let him unthaw himself. The jackass deserved it.

When he'd finally unthawed himself he was clearly angry, but there was something else there in his expression. I didn't allow myself to think about it.

"Stay out of my head," I snapped. I sounded furious, but on the inside I felt drained.

He didn't reply, but it didn't matter. He was going to keep to himself, otherwise he knew exactly how I was going to make him pay once I was stronger.

I stormed off to my room and slammed the door. My emotions were all over the place and I didn't like it. Tears began welling up again as I thought about what just happened. Why did everything have to resort to violence? Why did I allow myself to go to such lengths? I didn't mind having my power. In fact, I loved having it, but I didn't like the violence that it brought with it. I could hurt or really kill somebody. The thought had my stomach doing backflips.


Knock Knock Knock

Three rapid taps sounded on my door. I didn't want to answer it. I didn't feel like opening my mouth to tell whoever it was to leave me alone. So I just laid there with my head resting on my arms and the door opened on its own.

"Jason said you've been holed up in here for hours," Myra said.

The bed bounced a little as she sat down and tilted her head as she looked at me.

"Looks like it was more than just a scuffle between the two of you," she commented.

I turned my head the other way, burying my face in the crook of my elbow.

"You wanna tell me what it was about?"

A tear dribbled down my face and I didn't respond. If she was asking me what was going on then that meant Jason had obeyed my wishes. He didn't go prying through my head while I had been up here wallowing in my own misery. I just wanted to be alone.

"Daisy Lynn you're too young to be this sad. One moment you're okay and the next you're in a semi-depression. C'mon I know what'll cheer you up," she said tugging on my shoulder forcing me to roll over.

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