Chapter 26 ☀️

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The cafe was littered with streams of the afternoon sun

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The cafe was littered with streams of the afternoon sun. Yoongi stretched his limbs, feeling only a little bit like a cat, his body craving to curl up in the warm light. Tuesday was a fairly slow day, the slowest of the week, but his hand still felt cramped from gripping at the coffee machine all day. Yoongi couldn't wait to go home, daydreaming about his bed and all it's fluffiness.

The familiar ding of the door pulled Yoongi's employee side out and he walked to the counter getting himself ready to greet the customer. He sighed in relief when he realised it was only Emily, a regular customer that he had become familiar with after her constant late night shifts, that led to early morning coffee runs.

"By this point you might be drinking more coffee than me if you're back again today."

The girl laughed brightly and moved closer pulling out a pretty wallet and handing him some change.

"What if I order decaf, then it doesn't count right?"

Yoongi scowled lightly.

"Decaf is blasphemous."

Moving to the machine he grabbed a large mug. Emily followed smiling as she watched him make her coffee with skilled hands.

"I'd have to agree, but it would have been nice to live in denial."

"I reckon it's better to exist on the caffeine high, it's what I do. Not that I'm really a great example of how to live."

Turning off the machine Yoongi came out from behind the counter and stood next to her with a light smile.

"Where did you want to sit?"

She moved gracefully to a small booth sitting down and placing her bag to the side. Yoongi carefully placed the mug down and began to turn to leave, when a voice interrupted his movements.

"Did you want to join me?"

Yoongi looked at Emily in surprise and watched as a faint blush filled her cheeks.

"Only if you'd like to. I just, I mean it's pretty dead in here and if you had any spare time it would be nice to chat a bit longer."

Yoongi smiled wider, he could finish up in the back later it's not like his manager was here to scold him. Sliding in to the seat Yoongi immediately went to make a grab at his own coffee to drink, only he had never made himself one. A dark blush filled his face as Emily started laughing, he chuckled himself but mainly out of embarrassment as he dropped his hand back to the table.

"I can wait while you make yourself a coffee."

Emily coughed out the words as she giggled, but Yoongi just shook his head.

"No, it's fine. My body is probably happy for the short break in my caffeine consumption."

Time passed easily as they chatted and all too soon Yoongi realised that he should probably get off his lazy ass and actually continue working. He still needed to pull out the new stock from the backroom. But before Yoongi could even think of bringing this up, a person came and stood right next to their table.

Looking up Yoongi got a shock as his eyes landed on Jimin's perfect form. He always looked good in his work clothes.



Jimin turned to look at Emily his smile bright and charming.

"Hi, I'm Jimin nice to meet you."

Yoongi rolled his eyes just waiting to see the swoon. Emily would also be captured by Jimin's charms and that would be goodbye to their nice conversations, and hello to Jimin's groupies.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Emily."

Snapping his head in surprise he looked at the unaffected Emily. There was no breathy voice, no flush, what was happening...was she immune to Jimin?! Even he wasn't immune, maybe he should ask her for pointers on how to resist the man. Not now though, he really needed to finish stock.

"I better get back to work Emily, but thanks for the chat."

He sent her a small smile as he stood up and she smiled warmly back.

"Of course, we should do this again sometime."

Yoongi nodded happily, Emily was really nice, plus she wasn't influenced by Jimin which was a bonus.

As he walked back to the front of the shop, Jimin followed closely behind him. He could feel the heat of the body behind him and the slap, slap of his quick steps. It was as if a tense black cloud was crowding behind him. Was Jimin mad about something?

With a quick retreat he was safely behind the counter and facing Jimin, thankfully, with a blockage in-between them. He gazed at the man in front of him, Jimin's smile was lacking its usual luster and his whole body was held tightly. Suddenly a wave of concern washed over Yoongi.

"Are you alright, Jiminie?"

But before Jimin could reply, there was a loud slam, the door bashing into the wall and a huffing figure leaning over.

"What the fuck?"

Yoongi couldn't keep in the curse, his surprise ripping the words from his throat. Hoseok slowly straightened up, his chest still rising and falling rapidly.


But the words never came as Hoseok collapsed to the floor.


I hope Hoseok's alright! 👀🤞

Just to give a little jog of memory, Emily is actually from way back in chapter 2 🤭

Also I squealed when I found that gif of Yoongi... and I never squeal!

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