Chapter 20 ☀️

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"Yoongi, stop."

Jimin's words came out on a choked moan that had Yoongi grinding harder. A small mwelling noise escaped as he fell on top of Jimin, getting lost in the rhythm. His body lay flat against Jimin, their heat combining into a roaring fire.

Continuous little curses left Jimin's lips and Yoongi felt heady with the amount of power he had on top of Jimin. A surge of lustful confidence took over and he quickly untucked Jimin's shirt and slid his hands underneath.

The heated skin felt smooth under his fingers, as he traced across Jimin's abs. Yoongi felt as the younger shivered beneath him and his touch became more determined.

Yoongi was beginning to feel a little desperate despite having his hands all over Jimin, it wasn't enough. Sinking further, he curled his fingers around the younger's waist and connected his lips with Jimin's exposed neck. The kisses quickly changing to bites as he moved across Jimin's honey skin.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, baby..."

Yoongi sucked hard on the skin, fingers digging into Jimin's soft skin.

"aah we ca— shit."

Suddenly the world around Yoongi turned and he was lying flat on his back. Jimin leaned over him breathing heavily, his dark eyes connecting with Yoongi's. A fire lay deep in his gaze, stealing all the air out of Yoongi's lungs and sending a fever fanning over his skin, body twisting underneath Jimin.


Yoongi arched up searching for the familiar heat, but Jimin pushed him firmly back down, holding him with a tight grip.

"We can't do this, I'm sorry."

Cold floods Yoongi's body as the words slowly sink in, unconsciously beginning to curl on himself.


"No, no, it's not what you think! I just don't want you to have regret in the morning."

Confusion spreads onto Yoongi's face, his lips forming a small pout. Jimin chuckles lightly, leaning down with his knee resting on the couch. He nuzzles against Yoongi's cheek, placing soft kisses on the prettily flushed skin.

"I want you to feel comfortable with me. When you sober up, if you still want to, I promise we can take this further."

Jimin bites the plush skin and Yoongi grunts. Although the customary butterflies were back swirling in loops, he was not happy about the fact that Jimin wasn't touching him, well in the way he wanted him to.

Yoongi didn't realise he was still pouting, until Jimin was leaning in and kissing the pout away.

"Baby do you want to take a shower together before we go to bed?"

Peering up at Jimin's dark eyes, he found himself nodding. Jimin's hand slipped into his, helping pull him up from the couch. Yoongi fell against Jimin and taking the opportunity stole one last kiss. Dragging it out with lingering touches, he left Jimin's lips with a small lick.


The bathroom was small, but the shower was large enough for two without being squishy. Yoongi however, couldn't concentrate on any of that. Jimin stood in front of him plump mouth moving, but Yoongi didn't hear anything. All his senses were focused on Jimin shirtless in front of him, hands trailing through his hair.

Want filled Yoongi and his tongue peeked out, wetting his lips as he took a gulp. His mouth was left hanging open, but he had no will to close it as he unabashedly stared.

"Did you need help, Yoongi?"

Help... Help... Help...

"Wha— What?"

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