Chapter 25 🌙

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"Suga, I really like your hair."

Why was this boy just throwing compliments at him, it was kind of overwhelming. Nervously, he brushed a hand through his red fringe moving it out of his eyes.

"Where are we going?"

"SO impatient."

Jimin giggled lightly and Yoongi's chest was attacked with little sparks. He could still feel where Jimin's hand had touched his, tingles sitting just under the skin as they walked down the street.

Suddenly Jimin made a dramatic turn walking straight into a store. Somehow everything was unexpected with this boy. Catching the door quickly before it closed on his face, Yoongi walked in and was immediately hit with the strong smell of books.

Looking around he realised they were in a big library full of used books and glaring old ladies. One in particular was staring him down, maybe it was his hair, elders usually disapproved of his dark style.

"Suga, Suga, quick! I really want to check if they have a specific thing!"

Jimin's tiny hand intertwined with his as he tugged him down the isles, excitedly skipping until they reached the manga section.

"Now this is where dreams come true."

Jimin's eyes sparkled, but Yoongi hardly noticed too focused on where their hands remained clasped together. Was this normal? Had he missed something in high school and everyone just held hands casually? During his self questioning Jimin began to scour the stands, his small finger brushing across the spine of the books as he searched for the next addition in his series.

It felt kind of nice, holding the small hand. They fit comfortably together despite the difference in size, and maybe thats what was freaking him out, that he was surprisingly so okay with it. Quickly tugging his hand out of the embrace, he dropped it uncertainly by his leg. Jimin glanced up in shock, but his slight look of dejectedness was soon replaced by a smile as he pulled out a brightly coloured manga.

"Found it!"

It was One Piece, he was not surprised, Jimin seemed like someone to be into reading.

"Did you want to look for something too?"

Did he? What was he even doing here, fuck. Yoongi looked back at the cute boy and mentally slapped himself. He was here now and there was nothing he could do about it, so he may as well enjoy it.

"Uh, I would get something but it's kinda far from where I live. It would be hard to take back."


The hope and excitement seemed to drain from Jimin's eyes and that kind of cut Yoongi, just a little.

"B-but I heard there was this really good music theory book and I wanted to check it out."

It was as if the heavens had opened and a single stream of light came out to land on Jimin, his eyes went wide and a massive smile filled his face. A hand shot out again and was about to take Yoongi's but then it stopped mid air. Jimin played it off and pushed his fingers through his hair instead.

"I uh, I know where the music section is, lets go!"


The day passed with a cool breeze following their steps. Jimin dragged Yoongi everywhere, they popped into small forgotten shops, ate delicious street foods for bargain prices and finally ended up in a park, lying in the sunshine. The basked happily in the light with their full tummies.

The calm silence that had fallen over them as they lazed and took in the scenery, was broken by Jimin's small voice.

"Do you mind coming somewhere with me, Suga?"

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