Chapter 10 ☀️

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Jimin came to the coffee shop everyday after that

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Jimin came to the coffee shop everyday after that. Yoongi was surprised at first mouth popping open as he walked through the glass door on Tuesday morning, he wasn't expecting to see him till next week. But after the third day of Jimin appearing without fail, he learned to get used to his overwhelming presence and his never ending smirks. Each day passed with the same question falling from Jimin's pink lips, which Yoongi always declined.

His constant visits meant that Jimin became rather familiar with his coworkers, much to the annoyance of Yoongi. Every time Jimin walked through the door the girls flocked to him, faces flushing red as he flashed his charming smile.

Didn't they know he was gay?

Today was the same as always. Yoongi looked over his fingernails scoffing. How could his coworkers do this to him? Even Cho had betrayed him going to the dark side, flicking her hair over her shoulder as she giggled along with Jimin's stupid joke.

Yoongi found himself pouting as began to wipe down the top of the coffee machine. Why does he care anyway, Jimin can do whatever he wants it's not like it matters to him. Another giggle slipped over to his side of the cafe and he felt his shoulders tense, immediately becoming distracted by the noise.

Glancing up at the little group his scowl deepened they were all falling over in hysterics, one even grabbing at Jimin's toned arm as they laughed. Really? Realllllyyy? It can't be that funny. Almost as if sensing his glare, Jimin suddenly looked over at him sending him a wink and a cheeky smile.

Coughing slightly Yoongi rolled his eyes turning back to the new employee he was meant to be training. It seemed that he was the only loyal one around here. But Yoongi guessed that was more to do with the fact that he was wrapped up in his own boy troubles.

"I don't understand! I've tried everything but he just runs away."

His deep voice continued to ramble on and Yoongi tried his hardest to focus, especially when Jimin was bending over as he laughed, jeez how tight were those pants.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, are you even listening?" Zoning back in Yoongi drags his eyes away from Jimin and takes in the boys distressed face.

"Tae I think you should just confront him. It's the only way you'll really know if he is interested."

"But I don't want to! All I want is for him to just come and fuck me over the counter, it's not that hard!" Tae lifted his hands in exasperation as if it was the most obvious solution to any problem.

"Ew I really did not need that visual."
Yoongi scrubbed his eyes trying to refresh his mind and soul from the image that had been burned into his memory.

"And... I don't want him to reject me."
Tae's voice dropped off and he looked down at his feet, hands intertwining as he wrung his fingers. This boy was hopeless didn't he know communication was everything.

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