Chapter 9 ☀️

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Monday morning arrived with anticipation as Yoongi leaned on the counter not even trying to hide his incessant gaze at the front door. Jimin had to come today, he always came on Mondays. Yoongi had spent all Sunday in bed questioning his existence and all this morning making stupid mistakes. Why couldn't he just be a normal human and leave a one night thing to be a damn one night thing.

And as if thoughts summoned him, the bell rang as the handsome man finally made his appearance. Seeing him brought all the memories of Saturday night crashing through whatever meek barrier he had put up in his mind. He looked casual and elegant in his white button up and black trousers, hair silky and dark styled to perfection. He didn't blame himself for falling for him, his past self of course.

Yoongi didn't bother to shift his gaze, just watched as the beautiful human scanned the cafe until his dark eyes fell on him. He felt a deep flush spread up his cheeks but kept a cool poised face as the younger drew closer. 


Each step made his heart beat faster, one foot slightly crossing over the other, until he stood right in front of him, smile dancing across his lips.


Straightening himself up, they stood across from each other. A moment of silence falling over them as if they were taking time the time to let the tension of their reunion dissipate. Yoongi felt a sense of relief setting in, even if he denied it on the surface he had been waiting for this moment ever since walking away from Jimin. Clearing his throat he looked down breaking the eye contact.

"How are you."

Yoongi smirked at his own words remembering the younger's shocked face. Jimin seeming to pick up on his thoughts chuckled lightly. Unable to help himself at the lovely sound, he lifted his head looking deeply into the mans eyes. He tried find anger and resentment in his stare, but there was nothing but softness in his gaze and for some reason that was major relief to Yoongi.

"I'm good and how are you?"

His question seemed to perk Yoongi up even more, to the point that it was the best he felt all day. After their last interaction he was great, well besides the freaking out and the fact that he had been stuck thinking about him for the last 30 hours straight, and he wasn't going to hide that. Yoongi nodded along with his reply.

"Yeah great, great."

"Mmm wonderful."

Jimin's silky voice traveled right through him as he tried to stay and look composed in front of the younger.


The question came out weak and Yoongi almost scolded himself right then and there in front of Jimin.


"Which is?" Picking up the pen he flipped it over his fingers, before holding it just over the lid. Yeah Yoongi knew exactly what his order was, but Jimin didn't need to know that.

The younger didn't react at all just smiled and let the order roll off his tongue.

"Large soy latte."

Yoongi started scribbling but halted, pen hovering as he waited for the extra words. He looked up expectantly and Jimin's smile grew... he'd been caught. Yoongi scowled and silently held his hand out for the money.

Jimin placed each coin carefully into his hand letting his fingers caress over his as he pulled away. How did this man make everything sensual? Without acknowledging the weird tingles that shot up his arm, he jumped over to the coffee machine Jimin moving with him.


Before he could stop himself he was humming in response to the familiar nickname.

"When do you finish."

Pouring in the milk he put it under the steamer and then stepped back.

"And why would I tell you?"

"Do you want to grab lunch?"


"How about dinner?"



"No." "Scared?"

Their words collided over one another and Yoongi's head shot up. His glare was deadly, eyes sending dark daggers into Jimin's. But it proved useless only seeming to make Jimin excited as a smirk slipped onto his face. Yoongi's tone was as harsh and unforgiving as his stare.

"Do you not remember Saturday night, take the hint."

"Yeah I remember you grabbing my hand and rubbing yourself off on me until you came whining and moaning in my ear."

Yoongi flushing bright red quickly reached over slapping his hand over Jimin's mouth looking around desperately hoping that no one had heard his embarrassing description.

The wet flick of a tongue swiped over Yoongi's hand and he pulled away as fast as lightning holding his hand as if it had been burnt. With a harsh glare he continued to make the drink slipping in two teaspoons of sweet death and handed the coffee to a smirking Jimin. Yoongi would put a stop to that.

"I'm not scared, I'm just not interested."

Jimin's face darkened at his words. He took a small sip of his drink, somehow holding in the wince.

"We'll see."

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