Chapter 2 ☀️

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"Is he gone?"
"Yes." his co-worker smiled at him and he gave her a small smile back.
"Thank you, Cho."
"So... who's Mr handsome?" Yoongi sighs loudly as he walks back to the main counter grabbing a wet cloth from the cupboard underneath.
"No one, just somebody that I used to know."

The week passes slowly; wake up, go to work, serve ungrateful people coffee and then go home. Yoongi had felt a little nervous on his way to work on Tuesday wondering if Jimin would make an appearance but he didn't. Part of him weighed down every morning he didn't show. But after the week passes without an appearance from the younger he has brushed off the encounter to a one-time thing, almost forgetting about it.

Monday starts as usual with a loud groan slipping from Yoongi's lips. For some reason Monday was always a little harder. Tying his apron around his waist he tested out smiles to give to the customers, his face aching with each movement telling it to stay in its comfortable scowl. But Yoongi knew he couldn't, he needed this job and customer service was important. Although most of customers were assholes who didn't even know how to utter a small thank you, he could understand, he didn't want to be at work either.

The bell rang as his first customer walked in. Yoongi tried to put on his best smile on his face upon seeing the girl stumble through the door looking ten times more tired than he felt. Her face flushed at her clumsiness walking to the counter.
"Hey feeling alright there? Long night?" She looked at him in surprise a pretty smile slipping on to her face.
"Oh yeah you know overtime, I had to stay over at the office." Yoongi's face squishes in surprise.
"Well shall we make it a double shot this morning?" he questions. Laughing lightly she nods.
"Yes please! Can I have a regular flat white, take away."
"Of course coming right up. Why don't you go sit and wait, I'll bring it over for you." She smiles gratefully with a small bow.

Yoongi smiles to himself as he starts up the massive coffee machine. The bell rings a couple more times alerting more customers have arrived, Yoongi calls his co-worker Cho from the back to serve as he continues to make the coffee. She slides over a plastic lid with each order, excusing himself Yoongi grabs the flat white and slips out through the crowd towards the tired girl. Her head resting in her arms laid out across the table. Yoongi taps her lightly,
"Hey I've got your saviour, coffee." She flips up eyes wide and reaches out taking it immediately lifting it to her mouth taking a large gulp.
"Thank you so much." She gets up and bows her head again cheeks painted in red and heads out the door as even more customers walk in. Yoongi just chuckles moving toward the small crowd it's going to be a busy morning.

Yoongi begins to make his way back through the customers and being the clumsy idiot he is trips over someone's shoe. Falling forward arms flung in the air he waits to greet the hard floor, but is stopped when arms wrap around his waist and he instead slams into a hard chest. Yoongi sighs happily untangling his limbs from the kind stranger that saved him from a bruised body, only to look up and find that his saviour is none other than Jimin.

"Than... Jimin?! What are you doing here?" Jimin's hands remain resting around oldest waist on the small of the olders back as his lips forms a small smirk.
"Not to have a repeat of our last meeting, but I'm here to get coffee."
"But it's been a whole week."
"So you noticed huh? We're you missing me?" Jimin lightly squeezes the olders sides gaze slipping over him. Yoongi's face dusts with a tinge of pink at his slip up, looking down slightly he tries to come up with a snarky comment. Thats when he sees just where those small hands are. He karate chops down on Jimin's arms catching the other by surprise and then pushes him off. With a large huff he side steps the younger and begins to walk past him.
"I didn't notice sheep." He almost growls frustrated with the censoring since he's at work. He walks back behind the counter to help the others with coffee.

Jimin just laughs covering his smile with his hand as he stares at the boy now behind the counter with a wrinkle between his brows and a small scowl. Walking up to the counter he says his order and then calls out to Yoongi,
"Don't be mad that you can't stop yourself from thinking about me." He slips in a wink. Yoongi just blatantly ignores him.
"You know a thank you would be nice since I did save your ass." He looks Yoongi dead in the eye and raises his brow in question waiting.
"Yeeeeeeeaahhhh... no, not happening. Plus why would I ever think about you... you... urrghhh." His scowl deepens wishing he could swear. Jimin moves to the side to let others order but continues to look at the older with a massive smirk.

Frustration takes over as Yoongi stares at the small coffee lid with anger; Soy latte no sugar. No sugar? He's so fucking extra. Gripping the machine like never before he makes the coffee and adds a little something extra. Grabbing the pen he writes on the lid then gives it to Cho to pass on to the annoyingly handsome man that is somehow standing in the only stream of early morning sun in the store, highlighting his gorgeous features with a warm light. Really sun really? Yoongi rips his eyes away anger still fuelling him and steps back up to the coffee machine.

Jimin walks to work with an easy smile the warm sun lighting his path. The early morning air cool and crisp as he takes a deep breath before taking a sip of his hot coffee.
"What the hell!?" Jimin's face scrunches up unnaturally as he looks down at the cup in disgust. He finds small writing littered across the coffee lid,
Suck a dick
A loud laugh sputters out as Jimin tries to control his smiling lips taking a small cautious sip of the drink slightly cringing. 'I guess I'll have to get used to sweet coffee.'

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