Chapter 24 🌙

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The train ride is bumpy but nice, the hum of the carriage rolling across the tracks helping to guide Yoongi's hand as he doodles over the page. Yoongi was trying to distract himself from the dread that had twisted itself deeply inside him, curling into an ugly ball tugging on his tummy.

Today he had to work with his father at the company. At the ripe age of seventeen, Yoongi had already seen the end of his life and it all started from this day.

A sigh flew past his lips decorating the hand that was currently rubbing at his forehead. He was trying to ease the headache that had started to build, throbbing lightly in place. He would rather do anything than have to live through today.

Suddenly there was a rush of sound, a small thump and warmth filling up his side as someone sat next to him. Yoongi didn't bother to look up or acknowledge the human, fully in self pity mode. That was until the warmth moved further into his presence, slightly leaning over him.

"Hi Suga."

The sweet voice caught Yoongi by surprise and he couldn't help as his head raised to look at the intruder. His gaze met two dark brown orbs, wide and pretty.

"That's not my name."

"Oh? Then what is it?"

The full pink lips were cute, especially against the lightly flushed chubby cheeks and warm honey skin. They curved around his words beautifully and Yoongi couldn't really seem to look away.

"Well I guess if you aren't going to tell me, I have no choice but to call you Suga. My name is Park Jimin."

He held his hand out to Yoongi, eyes forming little cresents as he smiled sweetly. Yoongi a little dumbstruck looked from his face to the offered hand. Jimin's fingers were small and glittered with silver rings. So tiny... shit this boy was really cute.

Dropping the pencil in his other hand, he reached across slipping his hand into the others to give it a shake. Apart of him focused on the art of not squeezing too hard or too softly, but the other a much larger part was stuck marvelling at the size difference of their hands.

Apparently Jimin was as well because the next thing he knew two small hands were cradling his fingers as if inspecting them.

"You have really long fingers, they're pretty."

Yoongi felt a flush paint his cheeks and he quickly looked away tugging his hand back. Jimin seemed undeterred by Yoongi's blunt action, as he kept talking tone light and at ease.

"So what-cha drawing Suga?"

Yoongi looked down at his book seeing the large words curling and dark on the page, he had been practicing drawing his..., not that his parents knew or would approve of, stage name. Yoongi had only done two gigs so far but the way it felt to rap his own lines to people, that were undoubtedly drunk and probably half listening, was incredible. His heart had been stuck in his throat after the last lines glided out of his mouth and a small applause followed of the few diligent listeners in the crowd. It had been enough, more than enough. And was also the only reason he thought there was a tiny chance he might be able to survive today, maybe.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you to mind your own business."

This boy may be cute, but Yoongi was in a bad mood and at this point he was even surprised he had even conversed this much.

"Yes, all the time. Doing anything exciting today?"

Jimin was relentless and was also asking all the wrong questions. Yoongi's shoulders slumped and he couldn't help the sigh that followed. That seemed answer enough for the boy as they fell into a calm silence, which if Yoongi was being honest was kind of nice. He was grateful to not have any follow up poking questions.

"Do you want to go on an adventure?"

Yoongi glanced up unable to help himself at the innocent question, his eyebrows coming together.

"Suga don't do that you'll give yourself wrinkles and your skin is too beautiful for that."

Who was this boy? Yoongi didn't bother hiding his face this time, even though he could feel the prominent burn in his cheeks. He was too in shock and maybe awe at the random stranger that was so unabashedly giving him compliments.


"Why not?"

Yoongi could probably say a million reasons why, but he didn't. A weird tingly feeling clouded his chest as he looked into the young boys eyes. This time he noticed there was a smidge of black lining both eyes, it made them seem deeper and more exotic. It looked good on him.

At this point Yoongi really didn't know what he was doing, but as they rolled up to his stop he made no move to get up. Instead he continued to curiously stare at the stranger, hope bubbling light and fresh inside him. The train, as life does, moved on leaving all his responsibilities behind.


The word came out slowly almost cautiously, his slight uncertainty colouring his tone. Suddenly his tummy curled tightly as his fathers reprimanding voice invaded his mind. Shit what was he doing? His father was going to kill him for this! His chest tightened almost painfully restricting his next breath and his fingers curled into a firm fist.

A soft hand curled around his and Yoongi could feel the cold of metal brushing across his knuckles as Jimin's thumb slid over the top of his hand. The tightness slightly uncurled giving way to the comforting touch, but his chest swirled for another reason. Yoongi wasn't used to affection and it felt weird to be touched so reassuringly, even if it was only small.

He swallowed thickly, nervousness tickled its way up the back of his neck and he resisted the urge to pull his hand away, instead he sat completely still watching the thumb continue its path over his skin.

"I'm really glad you said yes, Suga."

Jimin leaned closer, a small but reassuring smile cutely spreading across his features.

"I promise you we are going to have an amazing day."

Yoongi for some reason couldn't help but believe him, his heart holding a slight and confusing ache. Maybe it was because nobody had ever looked at Yoongi like that before.

As if there was no one else he would rather be with.


It's finally here dun duuuhn DUuuuh

-The Back Story-

And Jimin and Yoongi's first meeting, they're just two cute little babies ☺️💕

If you haven't guessed already I will be using '🌙' symbol for all chapters set in the past (I will alternate from now on).

Love you all my sweet and lovely readers xxx

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