Blake sighed, and proceeded to walk back to the house.

Her mind wandered thinking about what he did.
It seemed like any relationship she got in sucked.

Lost in thought, she didnt notice she had already made it back home.

Neptune was standing nearby, leaning by a window, probably waiting for Sun to catch up.

"You definitely dont look like you're in the mood for a party." Neptune laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"The pajama party? At your house? Nora texted everyone."

"Fantastic." Blake said facetiously.

Not in the mood for a party, Blake strutted into the house with a huff.

She walked in on Yang talking with Ruby and Oscar.

"You're not coming."

"But WHYYY" Ruby whined.

Yang put a hand on her hip. "You're both too young."

"You're guys are young too! You're not even old enough to drink!"

"Ah that's different, we're close enough." She shrugged.

"-plus you know how Nora is, Im not having you around if her games get....mature."

"That's not fair!"

"Ruby, it's not happening, and Oscar is 15 he definitely cant come."

"Oscar? Say something! Dont you want to go?" Ruby looked at him.

"Uhm..I dont really like parties."

"Ughhh, you're no help."

Ruby glared at Yang and grabbed Oscar's arm. "Fineeee! If we can't go, we'll just find something else to do."

She headed for the door, dragging Oscar with her.
Noticing Blake, who watched the event unfold, Ruby waved.
"Oh hey Blake!"
"Bye Blake!"

Ruby disappeared before she had a chance to respond.

Upon hearing Blake's name, Yang looked up, noticing her.

They made eye contact but said nothing.
Both waiting for the other to speak first.

Yang wasn't as mad as she was before, but Blake was staying silent so if she was gonna be petty than she was too.

In all honesty, Blake just didnt want to talk about why she avoided the "relationship talk" with Sun because then she'd have to tell Yang why they broke up.
She knew Yang partly had a reason to be angry.

Blake sighed and began to walk away.

"Ok, fuck it, Im done being childish." Yang thought.

"I'm sorry for what I said in the hallway."

Blake stopped.

"-and everything else..."

"I understand, but Im still upset you would automatically assume that I'd do that. You didnt even ask me why I didnt talk to Sun.."

"So you're gonna keep giving me the silent treatment arent you?"


"I said I was sorry."

"I know, and I forgive you. I just don't want to get into it."

"See, stuff like that is what made me suspicious in the first place."
Yang's eyes widened slightly in realization of what she just said. She probably shouldn't have said that.

I Won't Break My Promise. (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now