"A Much Needed Talk."

Start from the beginning

Weiss watched Ruby walk out the door then glared hard at Yang.

"Go be the shoulder to cry on, for gods' sakes."

"And what? Take advantage of her mental state to get what I want?"

"Of course not! But I'd bet she'd appreciate you being there."

"Im always there. I dont know what the hell you want me to do."

"Look Yang, its not about what I need from you its about what Blake needs from you. A long time ago she thought you hated her-and she's still getting past what happened. You guys flirt all the time, but sometimes there needs to be more for things to be concrete. She's probably confused."

"You make it sound like it's easy."

"It isnt but you're making it harder than it needs to be."

Yang took a minute to think over what Weiss said. Maybe she was right? Maybe she needed to try harder?

She already tried. She does try. If Blake couldnt tell how much she liked her by now, she honestly didnt know what else she could do.

It was already hard enough to put her own feelings on pause when she got with Sun.

There were too many factors put into play.
What if she starts liking Sun more than a friend?
What if she wasnt good enough?
What is Blake was just entertaining Yang's flirtation but didnt feel anything for her?

More importantly, Yang got vibes from Blake, but that could just be wishful thinking. Considering her past relationship with....Adam, and her short time with Sun, does she even play for that team? There was Illia too, but they never dated and no one really knew if Blake liked her back. Yang doubted it.
Weiss thinks she plays for both teams, but how would she know?

Yang fell silent considering the pros and cons.

Obviously she wanted nothing more than to be with Blake, but she was honestly just...scared.

"I can see the gears turning in your head. Stop overthinking and just do it." When the time is "right", of course." Weiss said finger quoting.

Yang ran a hand through her golden hair.
"I guess. I'll go check on her now."

Noticing her missing sister, she looked around.
"Wait, where'd Ruby go?"

Blake stirred around in her sleep, feeling herself waking up.
With a yawn and a stretch she sat up.
As she took in her environment and processed what she was seeing, she wondered how she got here.
Had she been asleep the entire time?

Her ears quickly reacted to a knock on the door.

"Come in." Blake said with a tired voice.

The door creaked open slightly but Blake couldn't see anyone.

"Are ya decent?" Yang asked behind the door.

"Why would I- ... I said come in didnt I?"

"Truuuue. Just dont want to make the same mistake twice."

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