Here We Go Again (Ruechari)

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Here We Go Again

So, here we go again

Another volumes at an end

We hope you had a good time

With all the shenanigans of

Volume nine

Annie had a close call

when drinking coffee laced with chocohol

But Brody was hot on her trail

Saving her before any harm would entail

Margarita chose to become a nun. 

Now that her house arrest was done

Trying to make a dream come true

A home for niñas and niños, the idea grew.

Ronan almost bit the dust

Do to one deputy's distrust

When Billy chose to follow Red Ghost

Ronan nearly became toast

Shot and left to die 

Probably wondering why

Ronan too followed this unholy beast

To get Annie and her mother free

Ronan does live to tell the tail 

Of his brother's cat in jail

So just say nope

When it comes to messing 

With Ronan or brother Strop

CG left with Justice from BG

Right after the first ever public hanging

Tried to talk sense into Lou

But being unable to

Buck went with them 

Got thrown into jail

Now Lou's found Bruce 

to prove her tale.

CG finally paid to clear her name

And finds out what was Write's game

Only to discover he's disappeared

Something her heart now feared

Justice it would seem

Has a crush on the print queen

Made he dinner at his place

And a kiss CG planted on his face

However, it's the Sheriff who has CG's heart

Which is why it tore her apart

To come home and see 

3Gun getting all huggy

With a brave named Chechi

CG got drunk and hired Tru

To sing a song for you know who

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