Paying My Dues - Part 2 (crazyp01)

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Paying My Dues

Stretching out on the bed

Aimin' for the door

I waited for the scumbag

Time to settle the score.

I had sent Lou to get news

A double cross I didn't care for

If Write was involved

He'd be a dead body on the floor.

The handle turned

A shadow step in the room

Flipped on the lights

It was not who I assumed.

"Patty, what are you doin' here?"

I stood by the bed, put the gun away

Waitin' to hear

What she had to say.

She dropped her bag and rushed

And squashed me in a hug

"Dang it, Patty! Let go of me!

you got some sort of a bug?"

Patty burst into tears

told a long story short

About everythin' that happened

Right from the start.

"Write is missin'

I am balled up

I can't tell the Marshall

Or I'll get locked up.'"

"Hush up Patty!

You can't stay here

Go to where you planned to

Write will find you there.

I'll try and help you out

Now no more ifs and buts

Your bags are already packed

So, no more fuss."

Patty did as she was told

I said a silent prayer

"Hope Write is not a goner

Not turned into footwear."

This couldn't be about Judge Domain

He's buzzard food

Could it be ... surely not ... the deed

Was that why he was subdued.

Surely something's goin' on

Best for me to leave as well

There's still dinner with Mr. justice

"Aww hell!"

I couldn't back out now

The Marshall's place was fine

The food was heavenly

He had the best wine.

"Mr. Justice, I am leavin' tomorrow

Bright and Early at dawn

This ... it's real nice ... kind

But I can't stay ... I have to be gone."

"You want to get back to him

The sheriff, isn't it?"

"Well ... No ... Yes ... Maybe..."

I had to admit.

"Can I come visit you some time

Until you decide."

"Of course, you can."

I didn't want to hurt his pride.

He walked me back to the hotel

"I'll escort you back if you wish."

"I'll be alright. Good night, Marshall"

On his cheek, I planted a goodbye kiss

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On his cheek, I planted a goodbye kiss.

Early at mornin' break

Rode back on Sixstar

Needin' to get out of County

Back home, BG seemed so far.

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