Never Look a Christmas Gift Camel in the Mouth (RonanOBoyle)

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Never Look a Christmas Gift Camel in the Mouth

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Never Look a Christmas Gift Camel in the Mouth.

'Twas the night before Christmas, when through Busted Gulch

A creature was stirring, it wasn't a mouse;

"How's she doing?" Asked Billy

An answer he knew before he entered the bakery

"Still da same"

Margarita answers

"Our poor little Jane."

The two watched Jane sitting alone by the table

Gazing at the porcelain camel

The camel

Made Billy uncomfortable

"She just will not talk."

"Whatever happened to her is to mucho shock."

Then little Ron flew open the door

Came slipping sliding across the floor

Jumping with a yell


"There's a camel!"

"Calm down Ron all's is ok"

Margarita did say

"I gave it to Jane for her to play."

"No not that one!"

Ron cried

"A real one!

It just walked into town!"

The boy said jumping up and down.

"With a rider on its back!

Except he looks dead."

Billy felt dread.

Jane up and ran

Passing them

As fast as she can

"Come back child it could be dangerous."

Margarita cried

Following her out the door into the night


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