Death or Misery (RonanOBoyle)

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Death or Misery

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Death or Misery

O'Boyle's corpse woke up once more

Vultures pecking at his carpet on the desert floor

Greedy to fill their blood thirst

'Not until I die first.'

He shot in the air

The vultures scattered in fear

It won't hold them back for long

They know soon he's dead and gone

He crawled his corpse to the carpet



The girl inside

Little Jane


Still breathing


Forced to do this hated thing

Now barley standing

Gun pointing

Thank god she is sleeping

Won't see it coming


Before vultures back again

Shot rang out

But not at Jane

He collapsed side burning in pain

World turns black again

Not knowing

Wake or dreaming

A shade with a rifle

Trapped him in its smokey barrel

Shade angry yelling

About putting him out of his misery

Wish he'd hurry

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