Bad Medicine! (lyttlejoe)

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Bad Medicine!

The look in her eyes

took him by surprise

and the sudden embrace

made him red in the face

No singing sound

he gaped around

not a word

had CG heard?

Why was everything

so much trouble

he headed for the newspaper

on the double

At the door he heard

the noisy voices

to go or stay

both dangerous choices

Breathing deep

he grabbed the door

inside was CG

on the floor

Glassy eyed

with silly grin

torn bits of paper

and lemon gin

And with shoulders shrugged

there sat Rue

as if to say

'Nothing I could do.'

'She saw you, 3Gun

with that Indian girl.'

He felt his stomach

start to curl

'That was her,

it wasn't me!

Surely that was

plain to see!

Now she needs help

that's for sure.

We need an AJ cure

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