"Different Paths" - Ruechari

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Different Paths

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Different Paths

He left me

I left for the open plains

Needing to talk to

The powers that be

Needing my Grandmother


I closed my eyes

And I tried

To recall her face

To draw her spirit

To this place.

"I know what it you want of me

But not even I can help you Ruechari"

"Oh Grandmother

How can this be?"

"The decision isn't up

To me or you

It is up to what he

chooses to do."

"You told me he was the key

I am so worried.

The Darkness wants to consume

Without him I feel I would be doomed."

"You've been through so much

And have handled more

Than any one Shaman was

Meant to endure

One way or another you will survive

You must this world needs you alive

And there are others that are depending on you

Like Jujube

and those that deserve your help

Don't you agree?"

Rue knew her Grandmother was right

But the pain at times felt hard to fight

And then the darkness starts to creep in

"It's hard to be strong when I feel so weakened."

"I have spoke with your Uncle he is here in BG

Go to him he will help you, you'll see.

Sometimes the healer needs to be healed

To learn how to protect and how to shield.

Whatever happens know there is never

Only one path

Destiny is only for those that don't

Know how to adapt after the aftermath."

Ruechari let out a sigh.

"I'm going to lose him aren't I?"

Shari stroked the side of her face.

"Come now child, have faith."

Rue left the plains and went back to BG.

Her Uncle was here she had to go see.

A few questions and she discovered

He opened up a coffee shop and more

As part of the Manny Ger's General Store.

She stood outside of his shop

Hoping he had what she'd need

To make the pain stop.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned to see,

a huge smile

and a Native man covered

 just barely.

He gestured something to her

Just seeing him lifted her from her dismal funk,

She threw her arms around him

And he spun her around.

"You have no idea how good it is

to see you, Big Hunk."

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