Let it Be? (RonanOBoyle)

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Let it Be?

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Let it Be?

Sheriff wished people would just let him be

In his hammock tied to the lemon tree

Justice sent a wire he was impatiently

Waiting to hear the whereabouts of his deputy

Billy was suppose to be helping free Lou

His time back well overdue

3 gun was worried too

Worried about Rue

Something wasn't right between those two

Anyways now far from his cosy jail

The sheriff riding in the desert

picking up Billy's strange trail

The boy seemed to be following his horse on foot

Brains must be kaput

Up ahead he will camp at Hutson rock

Bill have to pass there

on way the back here

Sure enough the sheriff was right

Billy rode into his camp that night

With a little girl between his arms

'Names Jane found her out in the desert' Billy said,

'Won't talk Half dead.'

"By herself?" The sheriff cried

"Yep just her" His deputy lied

All night

Even by morning light

To the sheriff

very little Billy would divulge

They rode uneasy home to Busted Gulch.

Busted Gulch vol 9Where stories live. Discover now