Paying My Dues- Part I (crazyp01)

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Paying My Dues

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Paying My Dues

We reached County after sundown

Too late to do anythin' anyway

I needed a place to stay in town.

Buck wouldn't listen

He sat broodin', angry, guilty

Outside the prison.

Mr. Justice was attentive and kind

Didn't leave me for an instance

Booked me into the nicest hotel he could find.

"Would you like to dine with me?"

We could eat out or I can cook for you

Steak, carrots and some sweet pea."

"I can't accept ... No."

"If not tonight then how about tomorrow?"

"I reckon that would be fine ... before I go."

"It would be a real pleasure

To spend time with you

To get to know you better."

"Good night Mr. Justice,

I went up to my room

Feelin' really restless.


Next morning at the jail,

Paid my dues, cleared my name.

Tried to pay bail

To set Lou free.

"She's refusing to see you

Says she's got nothin' to tell

This is somethin' she's got to do

There's nothin' you can do to help."

"Dang it Lou!

Why'd you have to be so stubborn!

Now it's up to Buck

Nothin' more for me to do."

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