A New Home for the Bigbees - Myna (MystresMyna)

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A New Home for the Bigbees – Myna

Sipping coffee,

Watching the sun rise,

Myna couldn't help,

Wipe a tear from her eyes.

All the twists and turns of life,

Has brought her to this day;

A husband, a family, a home,

For what more could she pray.

The silence is softly broken,

By Aunt Bigbee's tender voice...

"Good morning Myna, you look lost in thought."

"Good morning Aunt, just taking a moment to rejoice.

You really pulled one over on me,

I thought you were going home.

But I am so glad you and uncle are staying...

That BG is your new home."

"When Lorne asked us to stay

It had already crossed our mind.

Moving here to Busted Gulch,

We're not leaving much behind.

We missed you ever so much,

And really didn't want to go.

Then Lorne offered us the cottage out back,

There wasn't a reason to say no."

Myna hugged her Aunt,

And kissed her on the cheek,

"Shall we head to the bakery?

We have so much to do this week."

Lorne from the kitchen window,

Couldn't help but flash a smile.

Seeing his Desert Rose so happy,

Was worth every trial.

Myna caught him watching, "What are you grinning about Mr. Order?"

"Why at you, my beautiful wife!"

Myna let out a giggle, "What are you standing around for,

Come on, let's get started with our new life."


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