CrazyMoose Dries Out (lyttlejoe)

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CrazyMoose Dries Out

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CrazyMoose Dries Out

Brody roused 3Gun from his hammock in the trees

He saw Myna's horse Lace, down on her knees

Lying flat on the road, a dopey look on his face,

was CrazyMoose, a drunken disgrace

Brody had CG with him and she was distraught

3Gun gave her a muffin and told her not

to worry, he'd take care of things but

he would have to hurry

Examining CM a little closer he realized

What left him quite surprised

That the dazed look in his eyes was

from a drug and not too many pies

With Lace's help he got him up on shaky hooves

and in spite of wobbly disco moves, got him to

the stable, in the tub, soaped him to a lather and

brought him' round, ignoring all his blather

3Gun left him with Lace, the look on her face

said he was in good hooves. Headed to CG's

to tell her things were okay but found she

might have already made her moves

Busted Gulch vol 9Where stories live. Discover now