By the Campfire Light (RonanOBoyle)

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By The Campfire Light

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By The Campfire Light

Billy searched for O'Boyle all day

and slept in the desert that night

Suddenly his world exploded with fright

The devil Beast jumped out of his camp fire

Flames licking higher

Roaring and kicking him where he lay

His hoofs kicked Billy's wind away

He could do nothing at all

Just roll up into a ball

As quickly as the attack started

it just stopped

No longer the devils target

Away with a grunt and slow run

Billy jumped for his gun

The Beast stopped and turned

Billy pulled hammer and aimed

But could not pull the trigger

He just froze in wonder

Camel walked


stirred right back

Waited by the desert track

Waited for Billy to follow?

Billy's horse brushed by

"Whoa boy" Billy let  out a cry

It just mosied on following the camel

'Get back here you dumb animal.'

No Name ignored trotted by for better or worse

Billy cursed

Then followed his horse

He followed his horse

Who followed the camel

I don't know why

They followed the camel

Perhaps, they'll die.

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