Coffee without Caution(baileygaines)

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Coffee without Caution

Brody was out, so Annie was all alone.

She sat down to write inside Lou's home.

The sound of a wagon outside caught her ear.

And a familiar voice called, "Annie, dear?"

Miss Hannigan strolled in with a flounce of her dress

While Annie sat still, speechless.

"Annie, love, it's been so long.

Forgive me, Annie, I did you wrong.

May I sit?" Miss Hannigan gestured to a chair.

Annie nodded, and the harridan settled there.

"Why, dear, you don't seem pleased to see me.

Let's get reacquainted. I'll make some coffee."

Annie watched, feeling like she'd stepped into a dream.

Miss Hannigan produced sugar and cream...

And a bottle of chocolate Cocopop

Annie thought her heart would stop.

"How did you get that?"

"Why, sweet Annie,

I can get anything. Anything, you see."

She poured the liquor into the coffee,

Stirred, and slid a cup over to Annie.

What Annie didn't know was that the liquor was drugged.

They sipped at their tea and talked politely,

Miss Hannigan watched Annie and refilled her coffee.

Suddenly, CrazyMoose stuck his head in through the door;

He guzzled Annie's coffee and begged for more.

"Here's s'more, you crazy horse!"

Annie laughed, and her words were slurred.

She rose from the table and her vision blurred.

Miss Hannigan waited, counted to three,

Annie fell headlong on the floor at her feet.

Miss Hannigan rose, smiling with glee.

She went to the door and called, "Clancy?"

Clancy came in and picked Annie up,

Laid her in the wagon, and pulled the canvas shut.

"Hey, boss, there's a horse on the ground!"

"Forget the horse, Clancy. Just walk around."

The wagon rolled away, leaving CM in a

Cocopop and drug-induced coma.

The coffee cups were left as they were,

the Cocopop bottle rolled empty on the floor.

And CM lay outside the open door.

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