Gone Mad (Ruechari)

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Gone Mad

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Gone Mad

The men in my life have all gone mad

Either starting a fight, Shooting then flight

Or getting arrested for being bad.

3Gun came to tell me Ronan was in jail

I guess I'll see what is set for bail.

I'm sure that will go over well

With Billy who tried to send him to hell.

I see WhatshisFace starting to bruise

I know he's not one to lose

"You let Billy win on purpose!"

He looked a me a little nervous.

"Fess up! You never miss a cinch!

You'd have him in a pinch!

For Billy to knock you out

You had to sellout!"


He signs

"I didn't want you mad at me

Rather you mad at Billy.

Since he out and declared his love

Trust me I wanted to do more than shove."

"Maddening the entire lot!"

"You should given me a shot."

Jasper was grinning ear to ear.

Forgot that he was even here.

This is what I get for talking out loud. 

Jasper leans against the door frame

His look proud. 

I think I'm better off alone,

I let out a simple groan.

"Rue we all know where your heart lies.

Though none of believes he deserves the prize

We can honestly say that he tries."

"He said he loves me."

"Well no duh?

You really need him to tell you that, huh?"

"I'm trying my hand at a normal life

My grandmother was Shaman of the west, 

of her tribe, and a wife.

Do you think I'm wrong to want more?

Sometimes I just want to run for the door."

Jasper smiles,  "That's fine by me

You and I together in the wild and free."

"You know you're not helping right?"

"It's a full moon tonight.

Why not come out and run with me

Just for fun, Ruechari?"

I couldn't help but smile.

"That's the best invitation I got in awhile."

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