Fighting the Darkness Within (Ruechari)

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Fighting the Darkness Within

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Fighting the Darkness Within

Jasper worried as he watched it begin

Knowing Ruechari's defenses to be thin

She tossed turned, yelled things outright

She was putting up one hell of fight

Jasper asked Jujube to go get the Chief

Perhaps there was something he could do

To give her relief.

Billy stopped back often to check in on Rue

Hating the feeling there was nothing he could do.

Ruechari was in the throws of darkness all around

She tried to find a way out but none could be found

She heard the voice whisper, tease and taunt

That she was his now, it would flaunt.

"NO! I'm the keeper! You're the prisoner here!

I will not succumb! From you I have nothing to fear!"

"Oh, Ruechari, you and I are meant to be.

You'll one day see.

You're power could be so much greater

If you'll just come willingly."

That's how she knew she couldn't lose

It was something she had to choose

And there was no way she'd turn to him

"You're words are wasted, and my

patience is wearing thin."

He tortured her mind, yet it felt like

Physical pain

But she refused to give in as she

Had everything to lose and

The Wraith, everything to gain.

Chief ThingAMaJig prayed day and night

He had a vision on how to set things right

"Are you certain?" he asked Shari.

"I have spoken with the Powers that Be

It is his purpose,

She needs his strength,

If she is to survive this place."

The Chief opened his eyes.

"It is time,"

He signed to WhatsHisFace.

He nodded that he understood

When he looked upon Rue

He knew he'd do, whatever he could.

The Chief ushered everyone from the room

He had to save his niece from this doom.

"You understand this bond can not be broken?"

WhatsHisFace just nodded,

no words needed to be spoken.

He picked up Rue and sat with her in his arms,

As the Chief worked his charms

Ruechari suddenly seen a burst of light

It was such an incredible sight.

"Come with me, Ruechari."

There stood WhatsHisFace holding out his hand

She'd seen on his arm the red band

She couldn't remember the last time she heard his voice

She knew what he did for her and that it was his choice

With tears in her eye, she asked,

"Why would you sacrifice so much for me?"

"You know the why, Ruechari."

He tilted her head. He kissed her lips.

From this dark reality she was ripped.

She opened her eyes, she gasped for breath

In his arms she still rest.

She would have been forever lost in that abyss.

She knew in him, she's been remiss

She'd seen his smile and watched him sign.

"I am forever yours, even if you may never be mine."

The Chief praised the Powers that Be.

"Welcome back, Ruechari."

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