Chapter Twenty Eight: The Game part 1

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The morning of that day was the most agonizing of all. The silence at the table was slowly eating away at him. The familiar laughter he was so accustom to couldn't be heard anywhere in the house. The only two individuals who seem to not noticed nor did they care what was going on were Nanami and Rose they played and giggled with each other. Akihito looked at them and was a bit jealous they didn't have to deal with life's bitterness at the moment happiness was in there corner.

Akihito studied the other faces at the table one at a time his father and mother looked like they were in contant pain. Asami looked sad for some unknown reason. Akira seemed to be lost within his own thoughts, Rin seemed uncomfortable Hannah looked like she had something to say but couldn't and his friends just looked out of place. Placing his folk on the plate he could no longer sit and pretend. He looked at his friends feeling as if he owed them an apology. He could see he not only had their attention but the entire table

"Kou, Tabaka, I'm sorry for leaving without properly telling you the truth about me and Asami so before you start disagreeing with me, just listen to what I have to say. His friends looked at each other before they nodded at him. Akihito took a deep breath as he continued.

"I'm very much aware how dangerous Asami's job is but I choose to take that risk with him, I know you all don't agree with me and I totally understand but what's the difference between his job and mines. Don't look at it as an excuse, just something to let you see we are not that different. I'll be safe I promise, but please don't ask me to end my relationship with him, because I can't. If you hate me it's your right but I won't end our relationship.

The table was silent once more no one said a word. Until laughter was heard from none other than his older brother everyone stared at him as if he was mad but he just continued to laugh. Irritated by his brother Akihito stood to his feet and glared at his older brother his disrespectful behavior was becoming more than overbearing.

"If you have something to say I suggest you say it brother, and stop making a fool out of us. Akihito hissed."

Akira's laugh louder while standing to his feet Akihto eyes never left his he was pissed off by his brother's arrogance.

"Ever since I was a kid I have always given you respect because your my only brother and the head of this family but you crossed so many lines. You want to blame me go right ahead. You think I'm disgusting fine. But there's one thing your missing brother I'm not the only disgusting one here. Akira's eyes meet his. Would you also like to tell your wife whose the one responsible for Rin's pregnancy. Before he knew what was happening Akihito  was on the floor trying to get his brother's hands from around his throat. His father and Asami rushed to his aid bearly managing to get him off. When Akihito got to his feet again anger ran through his vain like a raging volcano he launched at his brother connecting him in the face blood ran down his nose. He could see the looks on his father and mother's faces but he could not hear what they were saying.

"Stop it! All of you his mother screamed the room fell silent and as if noticing his surroundings for the very first time he didn't realize the pain and shock in everyone's eyes.

"What! He screamed. Do you want to blame me for this too.

"Akihito, Rin's voice was bearly a whisper. She glared at him and shook her head. Turning towards Hannah who stood like a statue. "Hannah please don't take anything he said seriously your brother is just...... talking nonsense. Hannah didn't reply or say a word she just stared at her husband with empty eyes.

"Babe...I'm, before he could  say another word Hannah had already ran out of the room.

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