⭐Chapter Four: Wrong Intentions⭐

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Fei Long had mentally prepared himself for the worse he had gone through so many things in his mind for when he would finally break the news to Asami that Nanami was, in fact, his daughter.

He was prepared to deal with the rejection, in fact, he was hoping for it. He watched as Asami's eyes remained glued to Nanami's as if he was trying to see through her, she giggled playfully to herself as she suddenly reached out her hand towards him, Asami hesitates at first, but slowly placed his large finger in her's. A small smile made its way to his lips as she tugged and pulled at his finger constantly trying to place it in her mouth after several failed attempts, she slowly released his finger preferring her own instead, Asami smirked as he allowed his fingers to comb through her jet black hair there was no doubt in his mind she was indeed his.

Fei Long watched in disbelief at the man before him, he knew Asami was a man who showed little interest in things that did not benefit him and the things that did he kept at arms length Akihito himself was living proof of that. Feeling slightly jealous Fei Long stepped away from Asami's reach glaring at him through long lashes.

"If you intend to reject her then you should not become close to her he suggests through gritted teeth.

"And what makes you think I'm going to reject her?"

Shocked by his words Fei Long eyes widened, he swiftly turned away, making his way towards the bedroom door once in the living room, he removed a small envelope from his jacket pocket, slamming it on the table in front of them.

"And what is that Akihito ask breaking the silence between them Fei Long shifted his gaze towards Akihito, who was too afraid to take his eyes off the envelope. Reaching forward Asami took up the envelope opening it, he silently read its contents as his brow began to knit together in confusion.

"And you expect me to agree to this arrangement?" he hissed at Fei Long who nods wordlessly.

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