♦Chapter Twenty Four: The Red Dragon's Truth (Part 3)♦

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Rin pace up and down her hotel room impatiently waiting for Akira to call her. She had expected to see him in his room but when she checked he was nowhere to be found. Her nerves were all over the place and she couldn't seem to sit still. Looking back now she knew she had made a terrible mistake by telling Akira, Takato, and Kou what Akihito was up too. Honestly speaking she wouldn't have done it if she didn't think he wasn't in real danger Rin sighed. The boys were furious when she left but luck for her Akira convinced them that he had everything under control.

What a fat lie that was, he had clearly used her to get the information he needed and now there was no telling what he was up to. Deciding it was meaningless to sit around and do nothing she decided to check to see if Akira had returned to his room. On her way there Rin noticed his lights were on she sighed feeling her worries wash away. Knocking on the door she called his name but there wasn't any answer she called again and finally, she heard a reply. Pushing the door open she made her way inside and found the entire room ransacked. Rin grasps when she found Akira sitting at the side of the bed with a bottle of vodka in his hand. He looked pissed off and drank really drank, Rin approached with caution she kneeled beside him her eyes falling on the bottle, slowly she reached for it. But Akira pulled it away before she could take it.

"I wouldn't try that again if I were you. He threatened revealing the gun in his other hand. Rin took in a sharp breath as she stared at it.

"Akira what are you doing with that?" What did you do Akira?"

"Nothing yet he says waving the gun in her face.

Her heart wanted to hop out of her chess but she kept her cool. Akira chuckled now pointing the gun at his head, he pulled the trigger. Rin screamed as she grabbed the gun from his hand and tossed it on the other side of the room she then grabbed hold of his head checking for any sign of blood but there was none, a sigh of relief washed over her as she felt the blood in her body started to flow once more.

Akira continued to laugh as he took a huge mouthful of vodka.

"Don't worry so much it was empty don't look so freaked out.

"Akira are you crazy why in the world would you bring a gun here?

"I...am, I mean wanted to kill my brother.


Rin stood to her feet and glared down at him. "What the hell did you do? She yelled.

"Shh Shh." Not so loud he whispered half awake half asleep. She could no longer hold her anger pulling him by his collar. "Answer me right now. What did you do to Akihito?"

"Nothing. I just told my little brother that I would kill him if he didn't tell me where Fei long was. At first, he didn't want to talk but after I knocked some scene into him he sang like a canary. Imagine my own brother betrayed me.

"Akira you of all people should know Akihito always have a reason for doing something.

"Don't Rin. Don't you dare stand there and defend him? I don't give a damn what reason he has he kept the truth from me, from our family my parents deserve to see that son of a bitch put behind bars for the rest of his life and if I can't get justice then I'll get revenge.

"Akira your not thinking clearly this person isn't you.

"Oh yeah. Then you tell me who I am?"

Rin kneeled beside him once more this time successfully taking the bottle out of his hand. Placing it beside her she took hold of his hands and looked into his eyes.

You're a good man Akira you put others needs before your own, you love your family and your little brother. Akira Tabaka you are not and will never be a killer it's not in your blood. So yes I do know who you are. I  have spent half of my life admiring you from afar, wishing that I could be half the person you are. Besides I'm in more trouble than you can ever be in he's your brother he'll forgive you, me on the other hand not so much.

"Don't worry he'll forgive you. He just needs some time you'll see.

"Not this time I went too far, you should've seemed the look on his face. The things he said to me. He meant every word. I broke our bond. Rin couldn't hold back the tears anymore they slid down her face like an everlasting rain. Akira pulled her towards him holding her tightly in his arms she couldn't seem to remember the last time she felt so warm in someone's arms. A few minutes later Akira released her and they both sat side by side.

"So what now?" Rin asked resting her head on his shoulder.

"Now I find the truth. Rin I have to know if Fei long was the same man I saw that night he wore a mask so I couldn't see his face. After Reika funeral I couldn't sleep or eat I couldn't let go, so I pressed and pressed until news came that the mafia boss and his sons died in a gang war I knew it wasn't true it didn't make sense nothing wasn't adding up, it drove me insane.

My family suffered from my carelessness I almost lost my wife and daughter trying to find the truth. It boils my blood to know all this time it was right in front of me. Akihito had the pieces all along, but instead of telling me he hid the truth from me.
"I know that you think what he did was righteous but to me it was selfishness. I can't look at him the same way. If he tries to protect that murder or that lying criminal I won't spare him, or you. he shoved her hand away and stood to his feet she sat there feeling like a complete fool not only did she ruin her friendship she just destroyed the bond between brothers.


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