Chapter Twenty Five: It all falls away

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Hi, guys I'm so sorry for taking so long updating my chapters I have been really busy. But I promise after this chapter another will be coming very soon after I just need to rewrite some things and I'll update. Anyway thank you for all your support for your comments and votes. You all make writing this book really fun.😊 So here is Chapter Twenty Five: It all falls away


"Asshole, what do you mean your not coming back? Haven't your parents suffered enough. Why can't you just let this go?" Takato asked him.
Annoyed, Akihito rolled his eyes. He already knew that was the reaction he would be getting from him. Takato was the most judgmental person he knew. But he was also his best friend who always had his back no matter what. So in a way he dealt with it.

"Takato, I understand your angry with me but I'm handling the situation.

"Um, Akihito, do you hear yourself? You just told me you got your ass kicked by Akira. Now how in the hell are you handling the situation he yelled causing him to remove the phone from his ear.

"Taka..." No don't you dare. How much more people do you intend on hurting on your way to the truth. I asked you if there was anything wrong before we got here. You said no you were fine. Now to find out your gay and involve with a mad man who could get you killed. Fuck your sorry I don't need it, and don't you dare tell me you were doing it for us. Telling your best friends the truth would have been better than lying. Your selfish Akihito and if your don't come home in the next 4 hours our friendship is over.

His heart hurt from his words no matter what he couldn't let there friendship end Akihito sighed feeling a headache coming on. "That was the same thing I told Rin she was selfish for telling you about me. But I'm beginning to understand why she did it. Takato we have been best friends since elementary school I don't want that to end, not for this. I'm sorry I mess up but at least try to understand how I feel.

"Hmm, so you want me to understand that your having a relationship with a crime lord. You want me to understand that you lied to all of us gone off to China to confront the man who killed your sister. You want me to understand that you could get yourself killed!

"Asami isn't a crime lord Takato he..."

"What the fuck is wrong with you Akihito?"

"Takato I... I love him.

"What did you just say? Or did I hear you right. He a criminal Akihito. He kills people your in over your head here. Please just listen to reason people like him can never love. You deserve better than him.

"Sorry, Takato but my mines made up.

"Seriously, Akihito. I'm giving your mom the phone maybe she could talk some sense into you.


She didn't even have to say the words because he already knew what she was thinking her silence was killing him she hadn't spoken a single word to him for over a minute Akihito sighed while combing his fingers through his hair repeatedly. Madness had finally taken him he chewed on his bottom lip silently praying for his mother to speak to him but there was only dead silence.

"Mom please say something. He pleased.


"Mom I'm sorry I lied to you, dad and my friends. I didn't do this to hurt you I swear, I only wanted to fix our family I went to far I thought that I could fix things, but instead I only made them worse please forgive me mom. Akihito grip the phone tightly in his hand feeling the wetness of his tears on his cheeks and a pain so great in his heart he could hardly breathe.

"Akihito. Her voice had no emotions in it to him she sounded lifeless. "Return home and bring your brother back with you its time we told you and him the truth.

The phone fell silent once more and Akihito knew his mother was no longer on the other end.

He was taken aback by her words. What the hell was she talking about? No it was a plot to make him come back home he shook his head he wouldn't fall for it. What Fei long knew about his sister's death was the only truth he want to know. They would have to understand that he was doing this for them. He sighed placing his phone on the bed he needed a cold shower badly Akihito allowed his cloths to fall away from his body as he stumbled towards the bathroom. He got into the tub and leaned his head back against the rim of the tub he close his eyes refusing to think about what his mother said.

He stepped out of the tub, grabbed a towel to wrapped around his waist and then ran to check his phone. No text from Asami. He rolled his eyes and threw his phone back down on the bed.

"To hell with him Akihito yelled deciding he was sick of waiting. Changing his cloths he grabbed his stuff and left. Akihito made his way down to the garage where Fei long kept his special collection of cars which he also didn't let anyone drive or touch. He eyed the red ferrari and made his way towards it. She sat there in all her glory shinny like the morning sun he couldn't wait to take her out but before he could there was one thing missing. Looking around he spotted a security guard Akihito waved him over the guard frown at him but made his way towards him.

"What is it Mr. Takaba?"

"I need the keys to this car.

The guard rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips "Sir these cars are for Mr. Fei long personal use only they are not to be used by anyone or for any other reason.

Akihito sighed he could see it was going to take a master plan to convince the guard. The man was literally eyeballing him. He could see he was getting annoyed. Thinking fast he took his phone from his pocket and pretend to dial Fei long number Akihito pressed the phone to his ear and looked straight at the now pissed off guard.

"Yes, Fei long your security guard is refusing to give me the key to the ferri. I know you said I could use any car I wanted so I just thought. Oh, you want to talk to him know problem he held the phone out to the guard with a proud grin on his face. The man immediately stepped back refusing to take the phone the look on his face made him want to laugh but he knew if he did it would blow his cover. He placed the phone back to his ear and then hung up.

"Now are you going to hand over those keys or do I have to tell your boss to fire your ass.

Five seconds later he was sitting in a car most people would only dream of having, it smelled amazing. He push the key in the agnition and waited for the engine to come to life. The consequences could take a back seat, tonight he would have the time of his life.

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