♥What would it Take♥

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                                                            Chapter Ten
                                                 A Father's Choice Part 2✴

Akihito awoke with the sunlight streaming through the window, he blinked a few times trying to get his eyes focus. Groaning he turned half expecting to see Asami there, but the bed was empty. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in Asami's arms he pulled the pillow over his face shielding his eyes from the burning sunlight coming from the window, he then turned his to his side trying to avoid it but it was no us he groaned once more as he discarded the pillow at his feet. He slid from the bed, afraid his legs wouldn't hold him up. But he only ended up making things worse before he knew it he was running to the bathroom as he threw himself at the toilet face first, emptying the remaining contents of his stomach which was not much at all.

Asami's worried voice broke through some of the utter numbness that had settled over him. He turned, taking in his expression of concern.

"I'm fine," he said calmly. Then he lean forward trying to reach for the towel from the bathroom rack. But Asami had already grabbed hold of it, standing to his feet he wet the tip of the towel in the sink before returning to Akihito's side

Lifting his hand he ran his fingers through his now damp hair as he leaned his head against the wall his head felt like it was about to explode and he wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed and bury himself deep beneath the covers, but his body would not let him move from the spot, he was now occupying, Asami shook his head as he stared at the drunk mess before him in truth he had only witness Akihito in his helpless state once or twice before and back then it amused him, but now he only felt irritated. By his sudden change of behavior.

"What exactly happened last night?" He asked.


"I don't know. You seem to be hiding something from me. Akihito body stiffened and for a moment Asami  saw the confused look in his eyes. Memories of that night came rushing back to him all at once and he rubbed his head trying to remember what had happened but everything was a fog. Akihito opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it he then lowered his head unable to look him in the eyes. Standing to his feet he suddenly felt sick all other again turning away he could feel Asami's once brown eyes penetrating his soul.

"Tell me that's not what you did, Akihito?" Asami questioned. "Did you or did you not leak information to Fei Long about my business affairs.

Silence fill the room for a few seconds before Asami's voice cut through the silence. "Akihito!" Asami yelled unable to hold back the harshness in his tone.

"Where were you last night? Are you not going to answer me?" He demanded. When Akihito didn't answer him, Asami pulled him towards him hastily Akihito stepped back and averted his gaze. Grasping his chin, Asami gently tilted it up to look into his hurt eyes.

"Then why were you in Fei Long's hotel room his voice was rough and laced with anger. Akihito looked away unable to answer.

"Did you betray me?" Asami hissed as his expression harden. Shoving him away Akihito stumbled before he held onto the bathroom door for support.

His stomach clenched for a second before he snapped angrily at him. "I don't know I can't remember. His heart seized up and his chest grew uncomfortably tight.

"So why would Kirishima suddenly call me bright and early this morning claiming that Fei Long had canceled our meeting today he informed me that Fei Long no longer have any intention of signing full custody of Nanami over to me, when I asked him why he said I should ask you, Geez Akihito this is the reason why I told you not to interfere.

Guilt burned through him, and clenched his fist Akihito opened his mouth to respond, and then snapped it shut again. He truly had no explanation for why he had ended up in Fei Long's hotel room or for his sudden change of heart about Nanami, he couldn't remember anything other than when he had gotten home. Worry deepened his frown and he stared at Asami lost for words and unable to explain himself.

"This is all my fault?" He muttered softly. "let me talk to Fei Long maybe he would change his mind.

Dismissively he waved his hand, ignoring Akihito. "No you have done enough I'll take care of this from here on out I have had enough of Fei Long's childish games I'm getting my daughter back my way. You should stay here and tidy yourself up, and when your finish you should call your friends there worried about you especially Rin she called your phone five times since you were asleep. I think it would be best if you stayed with her since I won't be home for a while. A Gasps left his lips and Akihito's eyes met Asami's once more and he saw something within them that he thought he would never see, he had been shut out, cut off from the bond that they had once shared. His body stood frozen in place as Asami turned on his heel he gaze back once more at Akihito's still form before walking out of the room.

All strength left his body and he crumbled to the floor unable to hold back the tears burning his eyes a sob escaped him, and he covered his mouth blocking the words that his heart wanted to scream out.

I love you Asami

Hey guys thanks for the wait this chapter really had me on my toes if there are any corrections I need to do I'll get to it when I get home from work anyway this chapter is really about the short breakup between Asami and Akihito hope you like it and I hope you read to find out more about what really happened between Akihito and Fei Long it would seem someone's got a hidden agenda

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