⭐Chapter Five: Rejection⭐

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Asami turned his attention to Akihito and held the letter out toward him. A shocked expression covered his face and he turns to Asami searching for an answer.

"You can't be seriously thinking about agreeing to this, Asami. This letter gives him all rights to Nanami if you sign this you won't be able to be in her life. Asami you're not going to agree to this are you?" Akihito protested.

"Of course, he will I told you before he doesn't waste time with things that don't interest him I guess my sister was one of the unlucky ones, so I guess that makes you his golden egg Akihito. Fei Long said sarcastically.

Akihito shook his head and crumpled the letter in his hand and tossed it on the table he then walked away leaving Asami lost for words. A few minutes later he heard the commotion outside the bedroom door the room then fell silent as he heard the door being slammed shut. A moment later Asami came into the room. Akihito didn't wait for him to explain he didn't want Fei long to be in their home any longer than necessary but he could not bring himself to separate Nanami from her father.

"We need to talk about this." Tossing his suit jacket on the bed, Asami snorted. "No, we don't."

"Yeah, we do. This is serious."

The weight of Akihito stares pressed in on him. And he felt uncomfortable.

"I've already made up my mind."

"You really are a stubborn son of a bitch." Apparently, Akihito's patience had reached its limit.

"So I've been told." Asami circled around him to sit on the bed. He preferred not to fight, it had been a hell of a long day and all he wanted to do was relaxed.

"That's it? You're just going to give up on her just like that? I saw the way you looked at her a moment ago your not fooling me. Without responding Asami left the room as he made his way to the kitchen he then came back out with a bottle in his hand. Akihito pursued him back into the living room. Dropping into the seat to his left, he set the bottle on the table and leaned forward.

" I didn't think you were such a coward." The corner of Asami's eyes ticked. Akihito wielded his words like a sharp sword, his lover seemed determined to provoke a reaction and he had.

"For someone who wants to talk, you seem pretty focused on a fight."

"Things are messed up I get it. But, could you just explain it to me?" Tipping the bottle back, he drained it and set it down on the table. "I said everything I had to say  Akihito."

"No, you didn't. You haven't said a single word, and you just allowed him to walk out, you have chosen not to be a father to that little girl." Akihito selected his words with care. You decide that she wasn't worth it, silence filled the room and Akihito felt annoyed, it's always the same with you nothing is important to you it's always about you and what you want.

"Don't blame me because you didn't like my answer." I need a shower. Rising, he nodded to the door. Your free to leave anytime you want." Not waiting for a response, he grabbed his things and headed for the bedroom.

A hot shower was just what he needed his chest hurt. Seeing the pain in Akihito's eyes before he left the room he suddenly felt a tightness in his chest and it brought no ease to his pain. Over time he had gotten used to Akihito always trying to get his own way either in bed or otherwise but this situation was something different, it was something he wanted Akihito no part of. Five minutes later the shower shut off and he stepped out as he heard the not so distance sound of the coffee machine from the kitchen.


Wanting something desperately to do to take his mind off the situation at hand he dug through the fridge and found the sandwiches he had made early on before the hold mess had started, Akihito had even forgotten he had made them, sighing saw that the coffee had finished. In truth, the hold situation made no sense to him and Asami had no intention of making things any better he had made up his mind and his decision was law. Fei Long, however, seemed pleased by how things were going like he was giving him no other option. So why the hell couldn't Asami see that?"

"Still here?" Mild surprise echoed in Asami's voice. He leaned against the door frame of the kitchen. He changed into jeans and a T-shirts his hair was still damp, his eyes narrowed and suspicious.

"I made coffee." Akihito passed him a mug and a plate with a sandwich. He thought Asami might refuse the food, his cool stare freezing him out. Asami took the plate. "Thank you."

Akihito made a mug for himself also. They carried their food into the living room, where Asami picked up the remote and turned on the television. Channel surfing to the news, he stared at the television. Akihito may as well been invisible for the little attention Asami paid him, but he was thankful that he was no longer upset so he took that as a positive sign. Asami focused on the television, but Akihito studied him. He couldn't get why he looked so composed like nothing had even happened. Akihito understood the meaning of wanting space and he would give all that he needed. Sooner or later, he would have to talk to him. He simply needed to be present.

When they finished their sandwich, he took the dishes into the kitchen, when he re-entered the living room. He found Asami stretched on the sofa, sound sleep. Unwilling to wake him, he turned off the television and sat beside him on the floor watching his lover's peaceful face while he slept.

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