✳Chapter Nineteen: Soaked with Blood✳

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He felt the warm comforting hands of someone wrapping their arms around him, his eyes felt heavy and he struggled to open them the scent of blood nauseated him and he could feel his body growing more and more weaker, balling his hand into a fist he felt a stinging pain run through his hand.

"Don't do that the voice said grabbing hold of his hand he tried yanking it away but the person's strong grip held him prisoner Akihito groaned and protested once more but still he couldn't free himself.

Leave me alone." He screamed but the words barely made it out of his mouth he swallowed hard, shoving his emotions back down his throat, but it would not stay there. His voice broke and he suddenly felt his knees giving out but before he could fall strong arms secured him. He felt his body being pulled into a tight hug once more and all he could hear was the steady beating of the person's heart their embrace felt warm and he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms back around them. And for the next few seconds, he had forgotten why he was in so much pain. He lifted a hand and slowly ran his fingers through his hair and Akihito had to bit down on his lower lip to stop himself from moaning. Only one person could do that to him, only one person he knew in existence that could bring him to the edge but deny him the chance of falling.


Akihito's eyes flew open and he jerked himself away from Asami, Akihito bared his teeth suddenly and shoved Asami knocking him back, Asami stumbled away, staring at Akihito in shock. Akihito glared at him completely ignoring the blood pouring from his hand his entire body shook where he stood.

"Don't you fucking touch me ever again!" He snarled.

He looked at him with disgust. Not even recognizing the man before him
"When were you going to tell me, he questioned, how long have you known? Asami's eyes held a knowing look and he cast his gaze to the floor. Akihito storms over towards him grabbing hold of his shoulders his blood-soaked Asami's white shirt and the pain didn't seem to bother him anymore, his eyes dimmed and grew cold as his grip tightened, Asami looked up at him with no reaction, no emotion. Nothing.
"I'm sorry," he said flatly. His heart shattered into a thousand pieces and his hands fell to his side as he stepped away from him for the first time in his life he was seeing the true Asami Ryuichi.

Asami watched the blood dripped down his fingertips and he knew the cut on his hand was far deeper than it looked and the more angrier he got the more blood he was losing, his skin was pale and he looked like he would faint at any moment but for some reason he hasn't, if he had not bumped into Rin in the hallway he would not have decided to search for Akihito, Rin had wasted no time in giving him a piece of her mind she had cured and even threatened him, but he understood her feelings. It was indeed wrong of him for keeping the truth from Akihito and his family but he knew by telling them he would be opening a new wound and not only would the news devastate them but it would send their son on a killing spree. Revenge was no joke once you set your mind on that path it's hard to get off, this Asami understood all too well, sighing he shoved the dark part of his past from his mind and narrowed his gaze at Akihito who now looked like he was on the verge of passing out. He walked over to him and reached out to examine his hand but Akihito jerked away refusing to be touched by him, Asami saw the hurt in his eyes and felt his own heart break.

"Akihito, I'm sorry. I should have told you." He says taking a step towards him but Akihito only took another step back Akihito looked at him like he was the most horrible person in the world. "Please, Akihito." Asami took a small step forward and he mimics it. "If you don't let me tend to your hand you're going to pass out and I don't really want to explain to your parents or hotheaded brother why their son is passed out bleeding all over their floor. His brows frowned and he took another staggering step back as he glared at him through tidy eyes daring him to follow.

"Akihito I only want to help you. He says trying to reach for him but Akihito only shook his head taking another unsteady step.

"Don't touch me!" He screams as his red eyes filled with tears.

"Fine. I'll do whatever you want just let me help you."

"On one condition he says barely able to form his words.


"Take me to see Fei Long.

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