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After a week of being back in Canada, Hadlee and her family had gotten into a new routine. Although they stay at the house majority of the time, the girls find their way out during the day to go to the gym and train. Hadlee's continued working with Paislee, Daniella and Cami, trying to get them ready for whatever Canada throws at them.

Thankfully, Rylee has kept their secret thus far and no one knows that Hadlee's back, although she does keep begging her to come to the dinner... which she continues to refuse.

Today, in particular, is their day off, meaning no gym, working out or training.

As Hadlee sits in her room, music blaring through her speaker and her computer on her lap, her phone starts ringing beside her, an unknown number popping up on the screen.

Turning the music off, she puts the phone to her ear.


"You must go to the banquet." someone, clearly using a voice modifier, tells her.

"And if I don't?" she asks bravely.

"The next several events you'll attend will be funerals." they tell her.

Hadlee gulps, sighing to herself as the stranger hangs up.

Licking her lips, she slams her computer shut, gets off her bed and dresses in jeans and a tee before jogging downstairs to see the girls. "Get up, let's go."

"We're leaving the house!?" Dani exclaims.

"We're not going to the gym, are we?" Paislee whines.

"No, we're not going to the gym." I tell them. "Let's go."

The six girls rise from their seats and Hadlee grabs the keys to the one van and leading them out.

They all get inside, Hadlee starting it up and biting her lip before typing in the name of the boutique she had heard Rylee talk about once.

Nodding to herself, she starts driving, finding herself outside the boutique soon enough. After parking, she gets out and the girls follow.

"We're... shopping?" Jessica asks.

"Kinda." Hadlee says, shrugging and leading them inside before turning to them. "Everyone find a formal dress. No red. I get red."

They all nod, going their separate ways to find what they're looking for.

After almost an hour, Hadlee sighs heavily to herself, not liking any of the dresses she finds. Licking her lips, she goes over to the front desk, seeing a flamboyant man going through a couple files.

"Excuse me." she says, a small grin on her lips as he looks up at her.

"Yes, honey?" he asks.

"I'm looking for a dress and was wondering if you may have something I'm looking for." I tell him.

"What type of dress, honey?" he asks, standing.

"I want a red, form fitting dress. I need it to make me look and feel... powerful." I tell him.

He nods to himself. "You know, I just got a dress in this morning and I think it might be perfect. As long as it doesn't need to scream sparkle." he grins.

She laughs lightly. "I prefer comfort over sparkle."

He nods. "I can see that. Are your friends getting dresses too?"

I nod. "Yeah, but they're not as... particular."

He grins. "I'll go grab the dress. Be right back."

Kingdom Domination | Sequel to Becoming Queen | JBFFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora