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The next day, after everyone had settled down from Hadlee's awakening, Hadlee makes her way downstairs to the meeting room, reading to inform everyone of what had happened.

"For the past few days," Hadlee starts, sighing. "I have been locked in a cell by Javier Lorenzo. I was starved but barely tortured. It was almost as if he was afraid to touch me. Or he wasn't allowed. Either way, I was able to pay enough attention when they took me to the restroom twice a day to learn their codes to the armory and such. I was going to wait to escape a little longer, but when I was informed he had taken my siblings I put my plan into action a bit quicker. I almost left with Henry and the kids, but I needed to speak with Javier. I knew he wouldn't kill me. In fact, he didn't purposely shoot me, his finger slipped."

"Then why did he kidnap you?"

"I'm not completely sure," Hadlee explains, looking over to William. "He said he wanted to avenge Keegan's death. But he never hurt me."

"That doesn't make any sense," Maverick states.

"You're tellin' me," Hadlee says, sighing.

After their meeting, Hadlee is carried upstairs and set back in bed, sighing at the fact that she has to lie there.

"I don't understand why I'm on bed rest. I feel fine," she states.

"You may feel fine, Hads, but you took a bullet to the chest and need to fully recover," Maverick answers.

She huffs out a breath, rolling her eyes. "Fine."

"Here's the remote and of course you have your phone. Need anything before I leave?"

She shakes her head, "no, I'm good. Thanks, Mav."

He nods, grinning and leaving the room.

After a little while, there's a small knock on the door, making Hadlee turn her head.


The door opens slightly, Camila peeking her head in.

"Hey," Had grins.

"Got some time for a movie marathon?"

"Nothing better to do," Hadlee laughs, waving her in.

She smiles, walking in and being followed by Dani, Paislee, Jessica, Bridget, and Elizabeth.

"Aww, I got all y'all here," Hadlee smiles, letting them all get comfortable across the bed and floor before they pick a movie and start to watch.

A little while later, the girls leave the room as Hadlee's parents (and step-parents) ask to speak with her. The four of them sit across from Hadlee, not sure how to start this conversation.

"What's up?" Hadlee says, knowing the conversation is serious.

"Honey, we've been talking," Mariana says, reaching to touch Alejandro's shoulder. "And we think it's best if you and Justin separate."

"What?" George asks, surprised by this.

"Mom, that's not necessary," Hadlee states.

"Hadlee, you almost died."

"And that was my own fault," Hadlee says, looking over at her confidently. "I could've left with Natalie, Mateo, and Reece. I decided to stay and confront the person that I handed myself over to. Justin had nothing to do with it. He was unconscious."

"I understand that but if it weren't for your relationship with him it wouldn't be expected for you to have to put yourself in that situation," Mariana responds.

"Mom, I'm not breaking up with Justin and that's my final word."

"You're only 16 years old, Hadlee. You don't get to make these decisions. I do," her mother tells her.

"I have a say in the matter as well, Mariana, I'm her father," George speaks up, calling the attention to him now. "And I have to say I agree with Hadlee here. She decided to put herself in that situation. She handed herself over to this man and she decided not to leave when it was advised by someone who has been living this lifestyle for quite some time."

"I'm not allowing her to put herself in a life or death situation again, George."

"And I'm not allowing her to be stripped of making her own decisions," George claps back. "She's two years away from being on her own. Do you really want for her to go into that knowing nothing about responsibility and making her own decisions?"

Her mother lets out a breath. "I don't think this relationship is a good idea."

"You love Justin," Hadlee states.

"I don't love the lifestyle," she replies, shaking her head.

Hadlee looks off to the side, not believing this conversation.

"I think it's time we go back to Texas for a while," Mariana says.

"No," Hadlee states strongly. "I'm not done here."

"You are if I say you are," Mariana argues.

"I'm not going back," Hadlee states.

"Everyone, may I speak to Hadlee alone, please?"

Everyone else leaves the room, leaving Hadlee and her mother alone.

"Where is this coming from Hadlee?" her mother asks.

"I'm not letting anyone control my life anymore, mom. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And I've decided that I'm not going back to Texas. Not to live."

She raises her eyebrows. "So you've decided, by yourself, that you're not living in Texas anymore?"

Hadlee nods. "I belong here, mom."

Her mother blinks a few times. "Hadlee, I don't think you understand. You don't have a choice in where you live. I have custody of you until you're eighteen years old. That means I make the decisions."

"Whatever decision you choose to make," Hadlee says. "I will not be boarding a plane to Texas."

Her mother, taken aback, scoffs to herself and leaves the room, not believing her daughters' attitude.

Hadlee sighs to herself, shaking her head. "Why can't she just be fucking supportive?"

Curling up under the blankets, Hadlee closes her eyes, wanting to take a nap before being interrupted again.

A few days later, as things with her family have still been rocky, Hadlee has stayed in the bedroom majority of the time, staying away from the rest of the house.

The girls have also been training with the guys, learning more techniques they didn't have access to back in Texas.

While laying in bed, watching Stranger Things, Hadlee's phone vibrates on the bedside table, making her pick it up and look at the text from the unknown number.

You may have gotten away, you may have escaped alive. But I promise you it won't work out next time.

Gulping, Hadlee licks her lips.

Okay... what's actually going on here?


heyyy peoples

i hope you all enjoyed the new chapter!

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i love you all so muchhhhh


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