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"Alright, are we ready?" William asks, looking around to get nods from everyone in return.

He walks forward, making sure the coast is clear before signalling them ahead.


"What the actual fuck, Amber?!" William yells after slamming the door and entering the house after everyone else.

"What?!" she shrieks. "I was trying to help!"

"By fucking it up!?" William asks.

"Dude, come on, she was trying to help." Gordon says, placing a hand on Amber's back.

"Bullshit. She ruined the whole fucking thing." William pushes past, making his way towards the office. "Meeting in 20."

Twenty minutes later, everyone floods into the meeting room, taking their seats.

"Alright, so things are about to change around here. I'm sure majority of you won't mind, others... will mind more." William sighs. "So, It's time we announce that I'll be stepping down as first in command. I'm tired of all the work. Plus, someone else is already seen and respected as first in charge so I think it's right that he take over. So... Justin."

Justin smiles, standing and doing their small handshake before switching chairs, Justin now at the head of the table.

"You're kidding, right?" Maverick asks, looking over to William.

"Come on, Mav, you can't say you didn't see this coming." Damon says from down the table. "He's literally known as the king."

The rest of the gang chuckles while Maverick rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair.

"Okay, okay. First of all, literally the only thing changing is who the fuck is telling you what to do and who you go to when you need something." Justin says, chuckling. "That being said, meeting adjourned, see y'all later."

Everyone stands, making their way around the house as Justin takes a deep breath, calling Maverick to stay behind.

"What?" Maverick asks, giving Justin the usual attitude.

"Look, I know we haven't been getting along since last summer but I am your boss now. I expect you do be just as respectful and obedient as you were with William." Justin tells him, holding his head high.

Maverick scoffs. "Yeah, okay."

"I'm serious, Maverick." Justin warns. "I don't want to but if necessary you will be out."

Maverick stares at him for a few seconds, not responding.

"Go." Justin says, looking away and letting Maverick leave the room.

"Wow." William's voice causes Justin to look up again.

"You were listening?"

"How could we not?" William chuckles.

Justin laughs lightly, nodding.


"Alright, so 5:30am. I'll see you there, okay?" Hadlee says, looking to Jess, Elizabeth and Bridget.

They nod and say their goodbyes, going their separate ways for the night.

Going through the rest of the night as she normally does, she goes to bed early, wanting to get enough rest to be able to work out and still get through the school day afterwards... then go back to the gym for their normal Thursday evening training session with their trainer.

The next morning, Hadlee wakes at 5am, getting up, getting dressed and quickly making her way to the gym where the girls are waiting.

After a intense workout, the girls leave the gym and Hadlee goes home, showering, doing her hair and putting on some makeup before grabbing her bag along with a protein bar and leaving for school.

Kingdom Domination | Sequel to Becoming Queen | JBFFWhere stories live. Discover now