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As four days have passed since Hadlee traded herself in, she finds herself extremely weak. No food and a minimal amount of water have made her faint and she's started having pains in her abdominal area, making it hard for her to want to move or do anything at all.

That being said, she had somehow come up with a plan.

Each time she has been escorted to the restroom, she has been able to observe the surroundings and by now, she knows where almost everything is along with some of the codes and such, which will come in handy.

I could escape today, she thinks. I know the code to the armory and I know where it is. All I need to do is gather enough strength to fight them off and get into the armory. You can do this Hadlee, you've been trained for this. You hired someone to train you in survival. Top three rules. Will. Hydrate. Escape. Never give up. Even if you feel you've done all that you can. Hydrate. Even without food, it is possible for someone to survive an amount of time. As long as they find and drink water. Escape. No matter the situation, there's a way to escape. You need to find it, make a plan and put it into action.

While Hadlee struggles in hell, Justin and everyone else gather in the meeting room yet again, Maverick calling the meeting this time.

"What's going on, man?" William asks, looking to Justin.

"Not sure, Mav called this one," Justin answers.

"Alright, everyone, look, I know I'm not lead but I have an idea to get my sister out and it's gonna take all of us."

"Alright, let's do it. What's the plan?"

"It's simple." Maverick starts. "An attack."

Everyone looks at one another, confused.

"It's gonna take a couple of days to plan and I'm still working on it because turns out Javier's gang is a lot bigger than we originally thought. But, I think we can pull it off with both of our gangs together."

"We'll do whatever we need to. She saved Abigail and Lauren," John states.

"We appreciate that," Justin starts.

"Plus, I mean, she's queen," Ricky continues. "She protects us and we protect her."

After their short-lived meeting, Justin excuses himself and makes his way to his bedroom to take a nap, especially considering he hasn't slept much after learning Hadlee had traded herself.

An hour or so later, Justin hears his name, causing him to wake in a confused state.

Soon noticing that it has to be an emergency, Justin gets out of bed and notices some glass on the floor of one of the kids' rooms... Hadlee's siblings' room. He quickly jogs down the stairs, noticing all of the children hugging their parents... well... almost all.

"What the fuck is going on?" Justin asks.

"Justin," Maverick says, making him look over.

"They took Reece, Mateo, and Natalie," Maverick explains.

Justin's eyebrows furrow and he looks around.

What the fuck is going on around here?

"Justin, why would they take the children?" Pattie asks.

"I don't know, mom," he says, shaking his head. "They've never done anything like this before."

"This is totally out of a gang eliminate. There's something bigger going on. Something we didn't think of," William says.

"Mom, dad, don't worry. We're gonna get them back," Maverick says, noticing the worried look on their faces.

Meanwhile, Hadlee sits in the same spot she's been in for a while now. Unlike usual, though, the door swings open and Javier appears yet again, smirking down at her weak body.

Kingdom Domination | Sequel to Becoming Queen | JBFFWhere stories live. Discover now