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The next day, as Justin had asked for some space for a while, he sits alone in his hospital room, eager to get out and find Hadlee.

For the majority of the day, he finds himself staring at the bracelet she had given him for Christmas, wanting to ask if she was okay but remembering the last time the others tried it hadn't worked.

Not being able to hold off anymore, as the clock strikes 2 am, Justin grabs the bracelet off the table beside him and hits the button to ask if she's okay.

Within thirty seconds, the bracelet glows green, telling him she's alright.

Confused, Justin licks his lips, now wondering if she's lying or if the crew even tried to ask.

Or is it not even her?

Meanwhile, Hadlee stares down at her necklace, sighing as she leans her head back against the wall.

Her lips are chapped, her head is spinning and she's starving as he stopped feeding her after their argument.

Although she hasn't eaten, she's still given two bathroom trips a day, now being one of those trips.

As the door clanks open, Hadlee weakly looks up at the two men that had come to retrieve her this time, standing as they yank her up and she moves her feet the best she can as she's lead to the restroom.

Once being pushed inside, she uses the toilet and goes over to the sink, washing her hands before licking her dry lips and downing as much water as possible without having to throw it up.

Her head begins to spin less and turn into a mild headache instead, allowing her to walk to the exit and open the door to be grabbed by the arms again and lead to her room.

Being thrown into her room, she hits the floor and groans in pain as it's concrete.

The door is slammed shut and she lifts herself over to the wall where she leans against it.

8742. That's the code.

Back with Justin, he walks out of the hospital, his test results normal and his mother following closely behind. After the incident, the gang had moved into their safe house and now all families are living together, causing slight conflict, but nothing major.

Arriving home twenty minutes after getting into the car, Justin walks up the sidewalk and into the house, being greeted by all.

"Meeting!" Justin yells throughout the house.

"Well, he's wasting no time," Abigail mumbles.

"This is Hadlee we're talking about," Riley says, standing and making her way to the meeting room.

"I contacted Hadlee last night through the bracelet," Justin says after everyone had flooded into the room.

"She didn't answer us."

"She says she's fine but I know Hadlee and I know she doesn't want me to worry. Therefore, we can't be sure that she is or isn't. What do we have on tracking her?"

"We've already looked into a few people and the only two we have left is Bobby and Javier," William informs him.

Justin's head tilts over, narrowing his eyes. "Wait a second, weren't both of them in contact with Keegan?"

"Both of them, yeah," Maverick butts in. "We were actually thinking that Keegan's death could be the reasoning for the incident."

"Then why isn't Justin or Hadlee dead?" Riley asks. "It makes no sense."

"Well they tried to kill me, it just didn't work," Justin says, thinking. "But the reasoning behind why Hadlee is still alive is what's getting to me."

"Do you think she has a plan?" Abigail asks.

Justin looks over. "Did it seem as though she did?"

Lauren nods. "It did. But, it didn't."

"Then I don't know. But I do know that she can handle absolutely anything the comes her way. I have no doubt about that."

They all nod.

"I want more information on both Bobby and Javier by the end of the day. Aside from that, there's not much we can do," he sighs, releasing everyone from the meeting room as he heads towards his office.

About an hour later, there's a knock at Justin's door, causing him to announce for whoever it is to come in.

"Hey, Justin, can we uhh talk?" Maverick asks, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, Maverick, come on in."

Maverick enters the room, sitting across from Justin.

"What's up?" Justin asks.

"I wanted to talk to you. I didn't know if you could hear us when you were in the hospital or not and I just wanted to make sure you knew where I stand."

Justin licks his lips. "Right, yeah. My parents did say you went into my room to talk to me. I um, I remember bits and pieces but I can't remember anything more than that," he explains. "What did you wanna tell me?"

Maverick clears his throat. "Um, we all know I'm bad at admitting I was wrong."

Justin's brows raise.

"But I was," Maverick says. "I didn't believe you and my sister when you told me you were serious. I hated you for it and when I saw the ring you gave her it made me realize that I was wrong. You really do love her and looking back I don't know how I didn't see it. I think I was so caught up with being angry that I didn't want to see the truth. But, I'm tired of fighting with you and I'm really tired of fighting with my sister. I'm on board."

Justin grins. "Thanks, man, it means a lot."

Maverick grins. "I can't wait to see you two together and not wanna throw up."

Justin chuckles. "Neither can I. But, um, before we can do that, we've gotta save her first."

"Do you think she needs saving?" Maverick asks.

Justin narrows his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we both know Hadlee. Would she put herself in that situation without having a plan? Honestly?"

Justin sighs. "She's trying to prove to everyone that she's queen. That means taking on some things that she may not be prepared for. Now, I may be wrong, she may have a plan and she may be fine but something in my gut is telling me that she's not okay and we need to save her."

"Then we go with your gut," Maverick nods.

"Have any leads?"

"If you want me to be honest I don't think Bobby's someone we need to worry about."

"Why's that?" Justin asks.

"Bobby's been under the radar. He's planning something bigger than this if we're being honest. I think we should look more into Javier. He was supposedly closer to Keegan which means he'd be the one to more than likely want revenge."

Justin nods. "You're right, Bobby has been under the radar. Even his shipments haven't been coming in."

Maverick nods.

"Alright, go tell everyone to forget Bobby, we're focusing on Javier."

"Got it," Mav says, standing and exiting the office, leaving Justin to grin lightly at the progress.

Things might just be looking up.


hey hey everyone!

i hope you all had a great week!

don't forget to vote and comment so i know you stopped by

all my love,


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