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"Good morning sweetie. No gym today?" Marianna asks her daughter.

Hadlee grins, looking over to her mother. "I went earlier. I'm actually gonna go to dad's and catch up with him. He was at the dinner but I never got to actually talk to him."

She smiles. "That's a great idea. Know when you'll be home?"

"Not exactly," she says, twists her lips to the side.

Her mother laughs lightly. "Just let me know."

Hadlee nods. "Will do."

Turning on her heel, Hadlee makes her way out of the house and takes a walk, arriving at her father's in almost no time. She smiles, approaching the door and knocking as her father's car is in the driveway.

Only 30 seconds later, the door swings open, revealing her older brother.

Hadlee's face drops, her eyes rolling.

"What are you doing here?" he spat.

"I'm here to see dad."

"He's busy."

"He'll make time for me, Maverick, don't worry," she says, pushing by him and into the house. "Dad?!"

A second later, her father comes from around the corner. "Hadlee!"

"Hey dad." she smiles, walking closer and engulfing him in a hug.

"Come on, we'll go in the office and catch up." he grins, leading her into the room.

They sit across from one another, on opposite sides of the desk, and grin at one another.

"You found your way back," he says, teasing slightly.

Hadlee chuckles, nodding. "Yeah, I did."

"How's Mateo?" he asks. "I remember you and Rylee saying something about he was attacked that night."

"He's okay. It seems like he's just completely forgotten about it."

He chuckles. "Well, he is only four. But, I know it's been worrying you."

She nods. "Hell yeah. But, hey, I'll figure it out. I won't stop until I do."

He smiles. "I know you won't. But don't forget it's okay to ask for help too."

"Deal." she grins.

"What about you and Justin? How's that?"

Hadlee nods. "Good. He met mom and Alejandro. They like him a lot."

Her father nods. "I knew they would. Justin's a great guy. He always has been."

Hadlee grins. "Yeah, he is. What about things here? Anything been happening?"

He shakes his head. "Nope. Just work. That's the most exciting things get around here." he chuckles.

Meanwhile, Justin sits at his desk in the office, a knock on the door catching his attention.

"Come in," he tells them.

William walks through the door, coming over to the desk. "Hey, wanted to check in to see who's going tonight."

Justin nods. "Yeah, I was gonna call you about that. It's gonna be you, Maverick, Damon, and Tyler."

William nods. "Gotcha. So, is there anything we need to know?"

"Well, you definitely need to look out for-"

Being cut off, Justin sighs and answers the office phone, putting it to his ear.

Kingdom Domination | Sequel to Becoming Queen | JBFFWhere stories live. Discover now