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As the girls sit in the living room, still talking about Hadlee's amazing weekend and Justin's surprising speech, Hadlee's phone rings, making her look down and see Williams' name on the screen.

"Oh, one sec guys," she smiles, walking out of the room and answering the phone. "Will, hey what's up?"

"Hadlee, you need to get to the hospital. Now."

"Why?" Hadlee asks, confused.

"Justin was in a car accident."

Her heart drops.


"I guess he was on his way home and a car rammed him. Apparently, when they called his parents they said something about how he's unconscious and they needed to get to the hospital right away," William explains.

Hadlee's breath gets stuck in her throat, although she tries to breathe in, she finds it hard, not knowing how to anymore.


She can't answer.

"Hads?" he tries again.


He sighs. "We'll meet you at the hospital, Hads."

The line goes dead.

Finally finding the want to breathe, Hadlee takes a deep breath in, almost like a wheeze.

"Hadlee?" her mother calls before entering the kitchen.

Her eyes watered and body shaking, Hadlee's state scares her mother.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Mariana asks, her eyes widening.

Hadlee can't answer, her head spinning, her vision failing her as everything begins to go black.

"Hadlee?" her mother tries again before yelling. "Alejandro!"

"What? What's wrong?" he asks, rushing into the room.

"I don't know. She got a phone call and she's been like this since."

"Hadlee? Honey?" Alejandro tries, gently picking her up and taking her to the living room before setting her down. "What's going on? You gotta talk to us."


"Justin?" Mariana asks.

Hadlee nods softly, looking at her mother.

"Something happened," Mariana breathes, kneeling in front of her daughter. "Baby, what happened?"

Hadlee gulps, trying to find her voice. "Car. He was in the car a-a-and h-he-"

Mariana thinks before gulping and her eyes widen. "Justin was in a car accident."

Hadlee nods, her eyes watering again. "He's unconscious."

"Okay, baby, do you want to go to the hospital or do you want to stay here and I can go?" her mother asks.

Hadlee shakes her head, making eye contact with her mother. "I-I can't."

"Okay," Mariana nods, kissing her head. "I'm gonna go. I'll be back with answers."

Her mother leaves quickly, rushing to the hospital before walking inside and going to the receptionist. "Hi, I'm here for Justin Bieber."

"Are you family?" the woman asks.

"Well, no. No, I'm not. I was just hoping to get an update on him. My-my daughter is dating him and she's beside herself."

Kingdom Domination | Sequel to Becoming Queen | JBFFWhere stories live. Discover now