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The morning following the party, Hadlee wakes at 8 am, being used to getting next to no sleep. After waking, she works out, not bothering to go to the gym and doing a simple one at home.

Once she's done, she showers and puts on some sweats and a tee before starting to research and continue on the couple leads they had been able to find.

Without realizing how long she'd been working, Hadlee's phone goes off, forcing her to look over to the clock. She hadn't even realized it had been 3 hours. Regardless, she opens the message from Justin. hey babe, taking a break from work for lunch. want something?

Grinning, Hadlee types back quickly. sure. my normal from the diner? our new address is...

After giving him the address, she thanks him and walks downstairs, seeing that both of her parents were sitting in the kitchen. Her mother sits at the kitchen table, papers everywhere and her laptop off to the side. Her stepfather, on the other hand, sits at the island with his laptop in front of him and a few folders neatly stacked beside him.

Laughing lightly, Hadlee shakes her head at the difference before going to the fridge for some water.

"Hey, honey."

"Hey, mom, whatcha working on?" Hadlee asks, sipping at her water.

"Just some work stuff. We talked to our bosses and are gonna be working from home while we're here. That way we're still making money. We don't wanna use all of our paid vacation time at once." her mother explains.

"Oh, okay. How would you feel about meeting Justin today?"

She looks up, as well as her stepfather. "Really?"

Hadlee nods. "He's bringing me lunch, you can meet him then."

"Oh, okay." Her mother says, surprised.

A half hour later, the doorbell rings and Hadlee's face turns into an immediate grin, running to the door and swinging it open.

"Hello," she says, immediately leaning up and kissing him.

"Hey." he chuckles, holding up the bag. "I got food."

Hadlee smiles. "Great, but..."

He furrows his brows.

"You need to meet my mom."

He grins. "I would love to meet your mom."

"Good, because I'm waiting!" Hadlee's mother yells from the kitchen.

"Mom! Patience!" Hadlee yells in return.

Justin laughs. "Come on, introduce me."

She nods, taking the food and setting it down before dragging him to the kitchen. "Mom, Alejandro, this is my boyfriend Justin. Justin, this is my mom and stepdad."

Justin smiles. "It's really nice to meet you both, Mr. and Mrs..." he pauses, not knowing the name.

"Gonzales." Hadlee's mom finishes, getting up and shaking his hand. "But, please, call me Marianna and him Alejandro."

"Absolutely," Alejandro says, doing the same.

Justin nods. "Okay."

"I don't want to keep you two, but, Justin, you must stay for dinner so we can get to know you a little better," Marianna says.

"I'd love to." Justin smiles, nodding.

"Great," she says. "Now you two get upstairs. Catch up... I know it's been a while."

Kingdom Domination | Sequel to Becoming Queen | JBFFWhere stories live. Discover now