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"Arthit! Kongpob! He...."

Arthit panicked as he heard Priya's restless breathing. 

Fear overwhelmed in his heart.

"What happened P'Priya!? What happened to my Kong!? Why do you look so tensed? Why are you panting so hard?!"

Arthit started asking what all questions that popped up in his mind.

Priya looked at Arthit with a blank face. She took a few seconds to realize what Arthit had been talking to her. She wiped her sweaty face and talked to Arthit in a calm voice.

"I am so sorry Arthit! I think I made you panic, so sorry Arthit. I was running around the whole hospital to see you! When I called you on phone your phone was switched off. I came to your room and then found your Aunty Maya there, she told me that you went to the cafeteria. I came running to the cafeteria and you were in a deep conversation with someone along with your day. Since this matter was important I decided to approach you then suddenly an urgent case came up and I went to attend it. I came back to the ICU and was going to look after you. Then, I saw you here!"

Priya explained to her cousin-in-law.

Arthit couldn't register anything properly in his brain, his mind was full of what happened to his love.

"You didn't tell me what happened to Kongpob, P!!"

Arthit raised his voice as panic took over him.

"Arthit....hmm.....see it yourself."

Priya gave a blank face to Arthit as she spoke.

Arthit looked over at the ICU room and he rushed towards the door but a hand soon pulled him back.

"Not here Arthit! Go to your room first, where your babies are present."

"But Kong...."

"Please, Arthit! Go to your room first."

Arthit looked back and forth between the ICU door and at Priya. Panic was washing him over from head to toe as each second passed.

Arthit nodded his head and walked towards his room with his head hung low.

Arthit didn't know that Priya was following him to his room as well.

Arthit entered his hospital room with downcast eyes, the fear and uncertainty was clearly visible over his face if anyone saw his face.


A weak and croaky voice made Arthit froze on his place.

That voice.

Even if it was croaky Arthit could feel the happiness and excitement in it.

The voice that he had been waiting to hear these past 3 weeks.

Arthit will never forget that voice, the voice that he dearly loved to hear every second.

Arthit's head raised from the floor and his eyes widened as he saw the figure in front of his eyes.


Arthit's voice shuttered as he spoke.

His eyes were filled with the salty water as he saw the person he loves in his life lying on the bed with Arthit's Mae beside him, sitting on the chair.


Arthit rushed towards his love and hugged him tightly as he sobbed like a child in the younger's arms.

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