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Hey guys!!!!!!! I am back!!!!!!!!

Well my exams are not fully finished have one on Monday and Wednesday, then its completely over!!! Since I have completed my portions I decided to upload!!!!! Did you guys missed me??? Hehe...😁😁😁😁

There will be a double update today and i wish all of you would be liking it!!! Thanks for all your support and caring!! If there is any gramatical mistake please forgive me na!

Love u all!! Enjoy❤️❤️


Aroon's POV

It's one week since I know this most exciting news in my whole life!!!! that is...


I really can't believe this! I am so happy that I would do anything for anyone if they ask me to. When we returned home after meeting Grandpa and Grandma I was all jumping in the car excited and happy to hear the news. It was still ringing in my ears, the words Mommy said.

Now I am waiting in front of my house for Kathy, it is one week after I heard the great news and today Kathy is coming to visit my home. I have only one goal now, that is to meet Kathy and inform her about this great news! Well, but I have to tell my dear girlfriend to not tell it to Aunty Prae and Aunty Evelyn because I had asked Mommy and Daddy, whether I could tell Kathy about this really happy news. They said I can tell, but promise Kathy that she won't tell Aunties about it. Daddy and Mommy told me that they are going to surprise their friends when they go to visit them today! I can't wait to see uncles and aunties expression! They would be really happy! But not as how much I am!!! This was the reason Mommy told me not to say Kathy about this when I went to school this week.

Today Kathy said she would be coming to home because we'll you know..hmm..ugh... well, I miss my girlfriend so I asked her to come over. Hey! But she had once told me that she wants to visit my house so this is a great opportunity, right? Come on don't think much! It is just a fact! Won't you be missing your lover when you both don't meet up usually than past? I only talked to her during class, that also only casual talks since I don't want to show much affection to her at school and she also felt the same so I don't care. Anyway, we are happy and lovely, right? I am sure we are!

Oh! Oh! Here comes her car!


I smiled widely as she came and hugged me. I saw aunty Evelyn smiling at us. "Aroon take care of yourself girlfriend! I may get going now, will come to pick you in the evening. We will go together to uncle Bright's bar."

I saw Kathy nodding her head. We both waived at aunty.

She looked into my eyes and smiled. Oh gosh! My heart is beating so fast! Calm down Aroon! Clam down!

I slowly gave her back her sweet smile and we laughed.

"Hey! Aroon! Don't stand under the sun for a long time! Your girlfriend may get dark skinned!"

I know who is that! I am sure I will kill my Daddy one day! He is always so interested in breaking our moment!.

I looked at Daddy who had a smirk on his face as I groaned. Kathy laughed and took my hands in her and we walked towards where Daddy was standing.

"P'Arthit! You just interrupted our son's and his girlfriend's moment. You should be more careful next time!"

I heard Mommy say as she came towards the entrance. I facepalmed myself thinking what great parents they are when their son's girlfriend is here.

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