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It was the last day of their trip. After today's return back home, everyone will be back to their normal life. The children were rushing near the parking lot playing, while all the others were carrying their luggage to their cars. Arranging everything for the journey back for their old routines.

Aroon and Kathy had been going a long way too good. Aroon and Kathy had been sticking to each other like leeches and Chai and Nai even teases them playfully sometimes. Kongpob and Arthit were both happy for their son. Even though he is very young to be in a relationship and Kongpob was very concerned about it. But Arthit had assured that their son can manage everything. Aroon was more mature than his age, his thoughts were much projectable and mature than any other children of his age. So both Kongpob and Arthit have their trust in him.

Kongpob was feeling a little dizzy after he put their luggage in the car, but Kongpob just brushed the thought away. Soon Kongpob saw Aroon running towards him. "Mommy! Mommy! Can Kathy come with us in our car? We will drop her in her home when we reach back! Pease?? Please??" Aroon begged to his Mommy showing his best puppy eyes. Kongpob looked at Arthit who only chuckled hearing his son. "Ok, you can take her. But one condition, ask her parents first. Okay?" Aroon nodded his head and gave a kiss on Kongpob's cheeks before going back to Kathy for asking her parents. Kongpob smiled seeing the happy expression of his son.

Kongpob and Arthit chuckled every time when their son and his now girlfriend are laughing at the backseat of the car and saying something stupid being all lovely. Kongpob and Arthit and his son plus his girlfriend are already in the car returning to their house. Prae and Evelyn had agreed when Aroon went to them and asked whether he could take her or not. Well, no one can resist those puppy eyes.

"They are getting along well"

Arthit said to his husband quietly viewing his son and Kathy through the rearview mirror of the car. Kongpob smiled and looked back and then looked over at his husband. "They indeed are P'Arthit," Kongpob said in a soft and loving voice. Arthit and Kongpob shared a look and chuckled. They didn't have much to say at all, they could understand what their loved one was thinking just by looking into their eyes.

It was almost 1 hour since they are driving. Kongpob had been shifting in his place feeling uncomfortable. His throat and stomach were making weird feeling on him. Arthit noticed that Kongpob's face is becoming a little weak and he could see his uncomfortability.

"Kong what happened? Are you okay? You don't seem fine" Arthit asked concerned. Kongpob looked at his husband and gave him an assured smile even though it was weak. No P I am completely fi..." Kongpob couldn't finish his sentence. Kongpob covered his mouth and motioned Arthit to stop the car with his hand. Arthit shocked with the sudden reaction pulled off the car at the side and Kongpob got down quickly and threw up what all he ate in the morning. Aroon and Kathy who was sitting in the car rushed outside as soon as it was pulled off. Arthit quickly took the water bottle in the car and went towards Kongpob. He patted Kongpob's back and helped him to sit in the car after vomiting.

All their friends also pulled their car to the side as soon as they saw Kongpob getting out of their friend's car and vomiting. Rome went towards his cousin as he saw him sit down and drink some water.

"Kong are you okay? What happened?"

Arthit asked his husband concerned. Kongpob shook his head Nothing P, I think so the breakfast I ate seems not acceptable by my body. I am fine. I just need a small nap." Kongpob said as he massaged his head. Arthit kissed his husband's forehead and asked him to relax in the car. Arthit said to his friends to continue their journey and as Kongpob is not well Arthit will drive slowly so he asked his junior Tew and Ai to lead the way. Kathy was also called by Prae and Evelyn to return to their car as they didn't want to bother Arthit and his family to drop Kathy in their house since Kongpob is not well.

Our MiracleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora