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WARNING!!!!WARNING!!!!MATURE CONTENT AHEAD!!!!                                                                               Please feel free to skip if your uncomfortable with it

Happy reading!!!!

It has been a week since that incident. After making everything clear with Aroon, Arthit and Kongpob had complained to Aroon's class teacher about the teasing and bullying their son had gone through. The teacher sincerely apologized to the worried parents and informed that they will make sure that none of these kind of things would never happen again. Aroon came home that day happily telling his parents that, the friends of him who teased and bullied him apologized to him for behaving like that. They also said that they would be nice friends to him from now on. Arthit and Kongpob was way too happy to hear that, the smile that occurred on Aroon's face was an expression that made them more happy.

Today Aroon and his parents are having dinner. Aroon was talking happily about how his sports selection today was going on. "Do you know? I came first in long jump and the teacher congratulated me too" he said happily. Arthit and Kongpob chuckled seeing the behavior of his son. Arthit ruffled his son's hair "Well you are my son, should not be surprised to see this" Arthit said as Aroon laughed. "Aw really? I have never seen you participate any sports items when we were college P" Kongpob said with a smirk. "Well who had run 54 laps without stopping. And when I ordered you to run 54 laps you already became exhausted after running 7" Arthit argued back. Kongpob raised an eyebrow at him "Well I was determined to complete it but one of the seniors ordered me to take rest so I listened to them. And who was the one who got leg pain and was taking rest after performing all 54 laps. You are only good for ordering orders P" Kongpob teased him back. Aroon was laughing seeing his parents argue. "Aw really, let's find who is good at ordering later" Arthit said with a playful smirk. Kongpob knew something was behind that smirk of his P'Arthit.

"It would have been great if my girlfriend was here, oops!!" Aroon covered his mouth after saying that sentence. Arthit and Kongpob choked their food hearing the words. Kongpob looked at his son wide eyed "Aroon!! When did you have a girlfriend?" Arthit asked his son. Aroon scratched the back of his neck smiling sheepishly. "Hrrgg, well Daddy she is not yet my girlfriend, she is my crush. I will propose to her when I reach higher standard so that she will not think that I am playing with this feeling because I think I am too young to have a girlfriend, I guess " Aroon said to his parents. Arthit's and Kongpob's mouth was hanging hearing those words. "Are these words coming out of a 9 year old, Aroon?" Kongpob asked his son raising an eyebrow. Aroon smiled at his Mommy showing his dimple. Arthit and Kongpob looked at each other and shook their head smiling "This child!! But don't let her go Aroon. Soon confess to her, or sometimes she will be other's" Kongpob said to his son who just nodded at him smiling happily. Arthit looked at Kongpob with horror in his eyes "What? I just advised our son, he has the right to be in love. Right Aroon?" Kongpob asked his son . Aroon and Kongpob high fived and laughed in front of Arthit. "Mother like son" Arthit muttered under his breath and then laughed with his Family. "So Aroon is how does she look? I have to think if she is good enough for my son" Arthit said after everyone finished their laugh. Arthit wanted to know who made this feeling inside his son. Aroon smiled widely "She is soo cute Daddy! She always helps me with everything. When everyone was bullying me she was the only one other than P'Nai and P'Chai who encouraged me and defended for me when they bullied me. Do you know? She is soo brave, she defended for me angrily to my friends when I was being teased by them. Isn't she cool! Her name is Kathy, isn't it a nice name" Aroon described with sparkling eyes putting his chin on his hands on the table looking dreamily. Kongpob only shook his head seeing how his son is behaving in front of them describing about his crush, but he felt that the name his son said looked familiar for him but he didn't know where he had heard that name before so he just brushed away that thought. Arthit was having a smile on his face knowing that there was at least one of his classmates who was there for him when he was being bullied, he liked her braveness also. Arthit looked from the corner of his eyes to see his Kongpob who was smiling widely, what Aroon said about Kathy reminded him of Kongpob. "Aww someone here is deeply in love with his crush huh?" Kongpob teased his son who came out of his daze and quickly sat straight with pink cheeks. Arthit and Kongpob laughed at their son who was pouting now.

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