Not So Sweet A Torture

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"Well what do you think it is, Donnie? Why else would somebody loop the camera feed? The longer she's out there the more chance she has of being captured or hurt by someone."

"Leonardo? Why do you sound so stressed?" We all revert our attention to the towering rat coming out of the kitchen. Splinter looks at the four of us, then to the exit turnstiles behind us, making his eyebrows knit together and his voice stern. "Have you been out on the surface?"

"Yes, Sensei. It's a long story to explain..." Leo answers, sounding dejected and looking like the last thing he wants to do is go through telling him about it.

"You all know you are not supposed to be on the surface during daylight hours. It is too dangerous; you could have been spotted!"

We all open our mouths to defend ourselves, but Mikey's the first to interject before any of the rest of us get the chance. "It was an emergency, Master Splinter! Y/n is missing!"

"What?" One of Sensei's white furry eyebrows cocks up in confusion, the way it usually does when Mikey says something– well, anything. "What do you mean, 'missing'?"

"We haven't seen her since before patrol last night." Leo sighs. I frown at the way his shoulders slump when he says it. It's been a while since I've last seen him act like this that I nearly forgot this version of Leo. "And we had to go up and find out whatever we could as soon as possible."

Leo stops when Splinter holds his hand up. "Come speak with me in private. I believe we need to have a discussion, my son."

So that's what they do. I may have wanted to be the leader before but Leo sure did save me from all the private talks. Leo trudges into the dojo behind Splinter, not looking at all excited about what's about to happen.


I hear Donnie call to us, and turn to see him already poking his head out of the lab doors. He waves us in before disappearing behind them. Mikey and I join him but he doesn't start talking until the door's closed and we're all gathered back around the table again. Except for this time Romeo isn't here, and I have a feeling he's exactly who we're about to talk about.

And my hunch was proven right the second Donnie opened his gap toothed mouth.

"So I don't even need to ask that Leo's totally spazzing, right?"

"I know right? I've never seen him like this." Mikey's eyes are wide as he emphasizes Donnie's point. "It's like he doesn't know how to be leader anymore. Like he's trapped running in circles without being able to do anything except freak out."

"And at this rate, with him acting off of his worry rather than instinct, we're never gonna find Y/n." I finish the thought, deciding to go ahead and say what needs to be said so we can figure out what to do.

"What we need is a plan. Something more organized than a split second decision to go topside in the middle of the day to search the disappearance point."

"That was ultimately useless," I add, crossing my arms. Donnie has that look in his eye, and I know he's got a plan. "So what do you propose?"

"I think the only thing we can do right now is talk to Nick." He moves behind his computer to check the screen. "The image recognition scanner still hasn't picked anything up on her since the time she disappeared and it's almost caught up to the current time."

"Maybe we can file a missing person report?" Mikey suggests.

"We can't. If we do that then NYFCS could find out too much. They think she's under Mr. O'Neil's care right now and he could get in a lot of trouble. Or worse, they could find out she hasn't been staying with April and Mr. O'Neil at all."

My Fearless Leader | Leonardo x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon