ethpage 60? really?

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"Misses? Are those new comers? Ar rzyeo tn?" One the Villagers said as Betta, Y/n, and Zim walked into the town getting many strange looks from people.
" Ye, ot rziyra tn, Grot o Rzqwa?"

"Y/n what are they saying?...Not that it's important, heh I notice it's the same language you sometimes speak. You never taught Zim!" Zim said nudging Y/n.
"Well from what I've heard they've talked about you and Betta. They're suspicious of us, friend o foe, bad o good?"

"Hmm interesting--," Zim then started sniffing the air as his face seemed to light up with interest ," What's that smell?!... SNAAaacks!?!"
Zim ran to a corner by the cliff where the smell was coming from, it smelt of freshly baked semi-sweet pastries.
"Ay wait up!" Y/n said as she jogged after Zim. Running past many people with light clothes, some carrying big baskets of corn, rice, and many with red beans.
At the corner was a dug in part of the cliff where three women were working, it was a pastry business. Near the opening of the nook was a bark table with pastries set out to cool.

Zim with wide eyes reached to grab a sweet smelling roll of bread.

"AY RZYEO CKAZOS OO EE AW!?!? AY!?!? AR ITTM AR ONOM!! MRZYA! CKAZOS RZYEO!!!!" The clerk yelled at Zim smacking his hands away from Zim.

"YOU DARE DEFILE THE MIGHTY ZIM!?!? GIMME!!!!!---," Y/n budded in pushing Zim back a little.

"Zim, stop. Don't get your self beat over a piece of bread."

Betta saw the commotion; she grabbed a leather pouch she had hidden. Taking out some shiny yellow gold and silver coins she dropped them infront of the clerk.

"Yea, rezkq," said the clerk as she took the money. Betta grabbed the piece of bread Zim wanted, she tore a piece for herself.

"Greeny, heads up!" Betta threw the piece of bread at Zim whom caught it.

"Atleast that's resolved, thanks Betta," said Y/n. Zim began to wolf down the bread. But before he finished he stopped himself from eating the whole thing. He gave the half that was left to Y/n.

"Heh, uhm here, you can have some. Feel honored that Zim has shared with you!" He said in a sheepish way.

"Thank oo Zim, I'm... honored. Didn't really expect ya to share even half, so I'm-a little surprised. Thank ye," Y/n then quickly pecked Zim on cheek. she felt herself starting smile in a way as her cheeks started to warm up and turn red. Zim even had a light pink dusting his face.

"Eh uhm, we should g-getta goin' Z-zim," said Y/n tearing a piece of the bread off to eat before stuffing the rest in her pocket,' Goodness, I hope this doesn't get too tough, if anything I'd rather it be moldy than a brick. Little mold never hurt anyone right? Right!?'

"You two buddies! C'mer, just got some info from the locals," Y/n and Zim went over to Betta whom was standing under the shade of a grass roof from another dug-in the cliff business that seemed to be a blacksmith. They could hear and see someone pounding a giant sledge hammer on slightly glowing red metal. The place smelled of burning coal and wood.

"HA! What PRIMITIVE creatures!
They should be easy to conquer! You could rule with me Y/n! Maybe after I conquer Earth, or are we EVEN still on Earth?"

"Nope! Not Earth, in fact apparently this planet ain't really got much of a name, it's alive.luckily some of the locals speak some English. Ehm, but I've found someone who could help explain, but I don't understand them. Couldn't help but over'a hear that Y/n knows their language, could you translate?"

"Yea, where is this someone anyway?"

"Follow me---,"

Zim pointed to the sky,"LOOK! I THINK THOSE ARE IRKEN SHIPS! ... No, no, They're going to do a sweep of the planet obliterating every living creature!" In sky were purple ships far away, they fired blue lazers which caused a sort of static to travel through the ground. They all felt the very light static and 'vew!' and 'BOOM' of the lazers.

"Well then let's not fuck around then!" Betta motioned for Y/n and Zim to follow as Betta ran leading them to a burrow big enough for them to crawl in under a giant tree. People ran screaming, some looked wide eyed at the ships like a deer noticing the head lights before being hit or blown into bits by a truck.

The scene almost reminded Y/n of Pompeii, 'maybe this is what it looked like when that volcano erupted, when the people probably saw smoke from the mountain. Maybe there was an Earthquake too. That would scare people. Those lazers hit'n the ground feel like Earthquakes.'

They went down a narrow dusty tunnel till they were in a bigger chamber lit with torches stuck into the wall. There a few other people, a family. Man, woman, and a child whom looked about five.

"Breada, Oo ar mezbré!"


"If that's a fact Zim, what are we to do? Were probably gonna die here, even if you were to try to get their attention I don't believe they'd give a god damn. Were screwed, maybe it's our time to accept that it's our time," said Y/n looking down with saddness and emptiness. The feeling when try so hard and you don't succeed.~
And then everything falls apart.

Zim grabbed Y/n's shoulders making her look at him,"Don't say things like that. The amazing Zim will save us with his genius mind!" He then kissed Y/n on the lips, making her smile.
Letting go he went over to the family huddled in the corner.

"YOU! Is there ANY way we can get high enough to the ships!?"

"S-sorry Mr.rzyeo speak no I Renglisre Rwell."
The man's answer frustrated Zim as he growled.

"Maybe Y/n could-a translate. Bein the transltor," Betta said to them both. Y/n moved closer to Zim near the man whom looked frail and scared.

"Ay uhm, mrzaer Rzyeo rzqwmr mrzratkeo, rzqtmn?"

"YE Ye! Itkr Grarak fe. Itkqr ittm!" The man responded quickly.

"What did it say!? Tell ZIM! MUST KNOW!"

"He said we need a giant bird to get up that high, and that we can have his. But where?" Y/n turned back to the man," Mierayi?"

"Rzmr bryi ov grarak! Ar feaov, mierayi ittm bryi rzmr ferzyo , ot owsnt!" With a shaky finger the man pointed to the ceiling that had roots hanging.

"He said there's stables for the birds above, near the tree we're under. I suppose we should go there."

"All right let's go partners!" But Zim was already ahead of Betta and Y/n as he went back out in a hurry. Betta followed behind , but before Y/n could follow aswell the man spoke.

"Mrzoio I-I rfwgrat wgo," ' Please save us.'

Y/n looked back not sure how to answer, so she gave the answer that will give them some hope to make them happy.

"Yea," with that Y/n followed the rest out of the burrow.

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